Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 12th Feb 2025, 06:45:21pm EET

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Session Overview
Date: Tuesday, 03/Sept/2024
REG 1: Registration
Location: Hall - Registration Desk
PhD Symposium I: Welcome and Introduction
Location: Room A1

All the sessions of the PhD Symposium on 3-4 September are only accessible to PhD Students with accepted paper for the Symposium

Welcome adresses by co-conveners and representatives of the organising team

Introduction to the Workshop 

Coffee 1: Break
Location: Hall or Garden
PhD Track A-1: Public Management and Local Government
Location: Room A1
Chair: Prof. Benjamin FRIEDLÄNDER, University of Applied Labour Studies (UALS)
PhD Track B-1: Public management and Digital Transformation
Location: Room A2
Chair: Prof. Vassilis KEFIS, Panteion University
PhD Track C-1: Public Administration & Public Policy
Location: Room A4
Chair: Prof. Eckhard SCHROETER, German University of the Police
EAPAA 1: Accreditation Committee Meeting 1 (members only)
Location: Meeting Room 2 U-shape - A3
Coffee 2: Break
Location: Hall or Garden
PhD Track A-2: Public Management and Local Government
Location: Room A1
Chair: Prof. Benjamin FRIEDLÄNDER, University of Applied Labour Studies (UALS)
PhD Track B-2: Public Management and Digital Transformation
Location: Room A2
Chair: Prof. Vassilis KEFIS, Panteion University
PhD Track C-2: Public Administration & Public Policy
Location: Room A4
Chair: Prof. Eckhard SCHROETER, German University of the Police
Lunch 1: Break
PhD Track A-3: Public Management and Local Government
Location: Room A1
Chair: Prof. Benjamin FRIEDLÄNDER, University of Applied Labour Studies (UALS)
PhD Track B-3: Public Management and Digital Transformation
Location: Room A2
Chair: Prof. Vassilis KEFIS, Panteion University
GOV 1: EGPA Steering Committee Meeting (members only)
Location: Meeting Room 1 U-shape - Salle du Conseil du Recteur
Chair: Prof. Jean-Michel EYMERI-DOUZANS, Sciences Po Toulouse
EAPAA 2: Accreditation Committee Meeting 2 (members only)
Location: Meeting Room 2 U-shape - A3
Coffee 3: Break
Location: Hall or Garden
PhD Track A-4: Public Management and Local Government
Location: Room A1
Chair: Prof. Benjamin FRIEDLÄNDER, University of Applied Labour Studies (UALS)
PhD Track B-4: Public Management and Digital Transformation
Location: Room A2
Chair: Prof. Vassilis KEFIS, Panteion University
GOV 2: Meeting of PSGs and Seminars co-chairs (on invitation)
Location: Room B3
Chair: Prof. Jean-Michel EYMERI-DOUZANS, Sciences Po Toulouse

PhD Track C-3: Public Administration & Public Policy
Location: Room A4
Chair: Prof. Eckhard SCHROETER, German University of the Police

This session depends on the number of PhD Students attending the Symposium and can be replaced by a joint plenary one.

Welcome 1: Reception (for PhD Symposium participants, SC members and co-chairs)
Location: Hall or Garden
Date: Wednesday, 04/Sept/2024
REG: Registration
Location: Hall - Registration Desk
DIALOGUE 1: Strengthening democratic governance and changing administrative practices in Japan
Location: Auditorium 2
Chair: Dr. Shunsuke KIMURA, Meiji University (Currently visiting scholar of université de Lille)
Chair: Prof. Masao KIKUCHI, Meiji University

Speakers : 

  • Prof. Masao KIKUCHI, Meiji University, Japan
  • Dr. Shunsuke KIMURA, Meiji University (Currently visiting scholar of université de Lille), Japan
  • Dr. Motoi NAGANO,  Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
  • Prof. Ryoko TAMAI, Kyoto Prefectural University, France

PhD Symposium II: Doing research and getting published : Publication strategies from an editor's point of view / Closing Ceremony
Location: Room A1

Doing research and getting published : Publication strategies from an editor's point of view

Prof. Dr. Sabine  Kuhlmann, University of Postdam (Germany), Editor in Chief of International Review of Administrative Sciences (IRAS)

Closing Ceremony and presentation of certificates

PSG 1-1: e-Government : AI Adoption and application I
Location: Room A2
Chair: Prof. Albert Jacob MEIJER, Utrecht University

Opening : Introduction to PSG I, its members and to the programme by the co-chairs followed by paper presentations.

Discussant for session 1 : Shirley Kempeneer 

PSG 3-1: Public Personnel Policies 1:Public Professionals and Identity in the Public Sector
Location: Room B5
Chair: Dr. Christian Bøtcher JACOBSEN, Aarhus University
PSG 6-1: GPSO : Crisis & turbulence
Location: Room Γ1
Chair: Prof. Muiris MAC CARTHAIGH, Queens University Belfast
PSG 8-1: Citizen Participation
Location: Room A4
PSG 9-1: Teaching Public Administration
Location: Room Γ5
Chair: Dr. Monika KNASSMÛLLER, WU Vienna
Chair: Dr. Ian C. ELLIOTT, University of Glasgow
PSG. 10-1: Law and Public Administration : Automatisation of administrative decision-making and legal protection 1
Location: Room Γ6
Chair: Prof. Polonca KOVAČ, University of Ljubljana
PSG. 12-1: Public Sector Financial Management : 1. Finance
Location: Room Γ4
Chair: Prof. Sandra COHEN, Athens University of Economics and Business
PSG. 13-1: Public Policy : Divergence, bottom-up influence and organizational citizenship
Location: Room B3
Chair: Dr. Anka KEKEZ, University of Zagreb & MethodsNET
PSG. 15-1: PATI
Location: Room Ε1
Chair: Dr. Erkki KARO, Tallinn University of Technology
PSG. 18-1: Justice and Court Administration : Councils for the Judiciary
Location: Room Δ12
Chair: Prof. Andreas LIENHARD, Center for Public Management, University of Bern
PSG. 19-1: Collaborative Networks and Social Innovation : Collaborative Governance Models
Location: Room B1
Chair: Prof. Marco MENEGUZZO, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano (CH), University of Rome Tor Vergata
Chair: Dr. Manuela BARRECA, Università della Svizzera italiana
PSG. 22-1: Behavioural Public Administration
Location: Room Γ3
Chair: Peter Rasmussen DAMGAARD, University of Southern Denmark
PSG. 23-1: Administration, Diversity and Equal Treatment
Location: Room Ε14
Chair: Prof. Anna SIMONATI, University of Trento
Chair: Dr. Rocco FRONDIZI, University of Rome Tor Vergata
EAPAA 3: Accreditation Committee Meeting 3 (members only)
Location: Meeting Room 1 U-shape - Salle du Conseil du Recteur
Coffee 4: Break
Location: Hall or Garden
PLEN 1: Opening Ceremony and Keynotes : "Strengthening Democratic Governance for Better Public Policies and Services"
Location: Saki Karagiorga II and Sakis Karagiorgas I Auditoriums
Chair: Prof. Jean-Michel EYMERI-DOUZANS, Sciences Po Toulouse

Welcome  and Introduction by Prof. Dr Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans, EGPA President, Science-Po Toulouse (France)

Welcome address by  Prof Dr Christina Koulouri, Rector, Panteion University (Greece)

Welcome address by Dr Ra'ed Ben Shams, IIAS President, (Barhain) 

Keynote Address by Ms Paraskevi (Vivi) Charalaboyianni, Deputy Minister of the Greek Ministry of the Interior. (Greece)

Keynote Address by Prof Demetrios Argyriades,  Panteion University (Greece)

Keynote Address by Dr Marcel Guenoun (PhD), Research & Development adviser at the French Interministerial Directorate for Public Transformation (France)


Opening of the Conference by Prof. Dr Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans, EGPA President, Science-Po Toulouse (France)

Lunch 2: Break
FRANCO 1: French-Speaking Seminar - Session 1 : "Régimes de budgétisation": approches économique, juridique et de management public
Location: Auditorium 2
Chair: Jihane SEBAI, larequoi
PSG 1-2: e-Government : AI Adoption and application II
Location: Room A2
Chair: Prof. C. William WEBSTER, University of Stirling

Discussant for session 2 : Albert Meijer

PSG 2-1: Public Sector Performance
Location: Room B6
PSG 3-2: Public Personnel Policies 2:Personnel Policies in Different Sectors
Location: Room B5
Chair: Dr. Brenda VERMEEREN, Erasmus University Rotterdam
PSG 4-1: Regional and Local Government : Session 1 - A Digital Government
Location: Room A1
Chair: Prof. Martin Jolyon LAFFIN, Queen Mary University of London
PSG 5-1: The Politics and Management of Policing and Public Safety
Location: Room Γ4
Chair: Prof. Eckhard SCHROETER, German University of the Police
PSG 6-2: GPSO : Public administration & and political principals
Location: Room Γ1
Chair: Prof. Lise RYKKJA, University of Bergen
PSG 7-1: Ethics and Integrity : Crafting 1
Location: Room Γ2
Chair: Dr. Ciarán O' KELLY, Queen's University Belfast
PSG 8-2: Citizen Participation
Location: Room A4
PSG 9-2: Teaching Public Administration
Location: Room Γ5
Chair: Dr. Ian C. ELLIOTT, University of Glasgow
PSG. 10-2: Law and Public Administration : Automatisation of administrative decision-making and legal protection 2
Location: Room Γ6
Chair: Prof. Krisztina F. ROZSNYAI, ELTE University Budapest
PSG. 11-1: Strategic Management in Government
Location: Room Δ1
Chair: Dr. Paul Christopher JOYCE, University of Birmingham
Chair: Prof. Åge JOHNSEN, Oslo Metropolitan University
PSG. 12-2: Public Sector Financial Management : 2. SDGs
Location: Saki Karagiorga I Auditorium
Chair: Prof. Francesca MANES ROSSI, University of Napoli Federico II
PSG. 13-2: Public Policy: Political conflict, professionalism and resilience
Location: Room B3
Chair: Prof. Anat GOFEN, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
PSG. 17-1: Sociology of State - Resilience and Reforms and CoREX
Location: Room Ε1
Chair: Prof. Jean-Michel EYMERI-DOUZANS, Sciences Po Toulouse
Chair: Prof. Marie GORANSSON, Université libre du Bruxelles
Chair: Prof. Thurid HUSTEDT, Hertie School

Introduction : 

Questioning the Reign of the Entourages. Ministerial cabinets, policy advisers, and collaborators of the Executive within the European Union
PSG. 18-2: Justice and Court Administration : e-Justice
Location: Room Δ12
Chair: Prof. Ragna AARLI, University of Bergen

Paper Presentations followed by a Special Guest  Speaker : 

Currents developments in the organisation and the functions of the Greek justice 

Prof Michail Pikramenos 

President of the Council of State

Professor at the Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

PSG. 19-2: Collaborative Networks and Social Innovation : Collaborative Networks in Health Care Sector
Location: Room B1
Chair: Prof. Marco MENEGUZZO, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano (CH), University of Rome Tor Vergata
Chair: Dr. Giulia LEONI, University of Bologna
PSG. 20-1: Welfare State Governance and Professionalism - Strengthening Welfare Policies and Professional Competences: The Role of Research and Evidence
Location: Room ΣΤ5
Chair: Prof. Tanja KLENK, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
PSG. 21-1: Policy Design and evidence in democracies and autocraties I
Location: Room Ε12
Chair: Dr. Valérie PATTYN, Leiden University
PSG. 22-2: Behavioural Public Administration
Location: Room Γ3
Chair: Dr. Amandine LERUSSE, Leiden University
PSG. 23-2: Administration, Diversity and Equal Treatment
Location: Room Ε14
Chair: Prof. Anna SIMONATI, University of Trento
Chair: Dr. Rocco FRONDIZI, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Coffee 5: Break
Location: Hall or Garden
PSG 3-3: Public Personnel Policies 3:Public Leaders and Contemporary Challenges
Location: Room B5
Chair: Dr. Florian KEPPELER, Aarhus University
PSG. 18-3: Justice and Court Administration : Artificial Intelligence in the Judiciary I
Location: Room Δ12
Chair: Daniel KETTIGER, University of Bern
FRANCO 2: French-Speaking Seminar - Session 2: Rôle de l'expertise et de l'évaluation dans la transition écologique
Location: Auditorium 2
Chair: Prof. Martial PASQUIER, University of Lausanne (UNIL)
PSG 1-3: e-Government : AI Adoption and application III
Location: Room A2
Chair: Dr. Shirley KEMPENEER, Tilburg University

Discussant for session 3 : Barbara Zyzak

PSG 2-2: Public Sector Performance
Location: Room B6
PSG 4-2: Regional and Local Government : Session 2 - A Digital Government and B Central-Local relations and inter-municipal cooperation
Location: Room A1
Chair: Prof. Sabine KUHLMANN, Universität Potsdam
PSG 5-2: The Politics and Management of Policing and Public Safety
Location: Room Γ4
Chair: Prof. Eckhard SCHROETER, German University of the Police
PSG 6-3: GPSO : Public administration from a systemic perspective
Location: Room Γ1
Chair: Prof. Lise RYKKJA, University of Bergen
PSG 7-2: Ethics and Integrity: Media and Whistleblowing
Location: Room ΣΤ12
Chair: Prof. Leonie HERES, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
PSG 8-3: Citizen Participation
Location: Room A4
PSG 9-3: Teaching Public Administration
Location: Room Γ5
Chair: Dr. Monika KNASSMÛLLER, WU Vienna
PSG. 11-2: Strategic Management in Government
Location: Room Δ1
Chair: Prof. Francesco LONGO, Bocconi University
Chair: Prof. Åge JOHNSEN, Oslo Metropolitan University
PSG. 12-3: Public Sector Financial Management : 3. Sustainability
Location: Saki Karagiorga I Auditorium
Chair: Prof. Enrico BRACCI, University of Ferrara
PSG. 13-3: Public Policy: Co-creation and collaboration
Location: Room B3
Chair: Dr. Nadine RAAPHORST, Leiden University
PSG. 15-2: PATI
Location: Room Γ2
Chair: Prof. Veiko LEMBER, Tallinn University of Technology
PSG. 17-2: Sociology of State - Resilience and Reforms and CoREX : Special Session Presidentialization and Effective Government
Location: Room Ε1
Chair: Prof. Vincent MARTIGNY, University of Nice Côte d'Azur and Ecole polytechnique
Chair: Prof. B. Guy PETERS, University of Pittsburgh

Chairs and Speakers : 

MARTIGNY, Vincent (chair)- Univesity of Nice and Sciences Po Paris, France 
PETERS, B.Guy (co-chair) - University of Pittsburgh,USA 
USAPOGUNTKE, ThomasHeinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
WEBB, Paul, University of Sussex,UK
UKPERLO, Nicoletta, University Toulouse Capitole, France
GEORGAKAKIS, DidierUniversity Paris 1, France
PSG. 19-3: Collaborative Networks and Social Innovation : Local Governance, Networks and Innovation I
Location: Room B1
Chair: Prof. Marco MENEGUZZO, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano (CH), University of Rome Tor Vergata
Chair: Dr. Fulvio SCOGNAMIGLIO, Open University & Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca
PSG. 20-2: Welfare State Governance and Professionalism - Strengthening Welfare Policies and Professional Competences: The Role of Research and Evidence
Location: Room ΣΤ5
Chair: Prof. Karsten VRANGBAEK, University of Copenhagen
PSG. 21-2: Policy Processes and Crisis
Location: Room Ε12
Chair: Prof. Bishoy Louis ZAKI, Ghent University
PSG. 22-3: Behavioural Public Administration
Location: Room Γ3
Chair: Dr. Paola CANTARELLI, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
PSG. 23-3: Administration, Diversity and Equal Treatment
Location: Room Ε14
Chair: Prof. Anna SIMONATI, University of Trento
Chair: Dr. Rocco FRONDIZI, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Skills: Enhancing Public Administration Skills
Location: Room Γ6
Chair: Dr. Fani (Foteini) KOMSELI, National Center for Public Administration & Local Government (EKDDA)/Hellenic Open University
Chair: Dr. Angeliki BOURMPOULI, National Centre for Public Administration & Local Government/INEP
Welcome 2: Welcome Reception for all the Participants
Location: Hall or Garden
Date: Thursday, 05/Sept/2024
REG 3: Registration
Location: Hall - Registration Desk
FRANCO 3: French-Speaking Seminar - Session 3: Varia
Location: Auditorium 2
Chair: Prof. Vincent MABILLARD, Université Libre de Bruxelles
HAA/Exec: Independent Administrative Authorities/The Executive State
Location: Room B2
Chair: Prof. Stavroula KTISTAKI, Panteion University
Chair: Prof. Vassilis KEFIS, Panteion University
PSG 1-4: e-Government : Citizens perspectives on e-Gov.
Location: Room A2
Chair: Prof. C. William WEBSTER, University of Stirling

Discussant for session 4 : Ignacio Criado

PSG 4-3: Regional and Local Government : Session 3 - B Central-Local relations and inter-municipal cooperation C Local Governance and service delivery
Location: Room A1
Chair: Prof. Martin Jolyon LAFFIN, Queen Mary University of London
PSG 7-3: Ethics and Integrity : Public Value
Location: Room Γ2
Chair: Prof. Leonie HERES, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
PSG 8-4: Citizen Participation
Location: Room A4
PSG. 11-3: Strategic Management in Government
Location: Room Δ1
Chair: Prof. Åge JOHNSEN, Oslo Metropolitan University
Chair: Prof. Francesco LONGO, Bocconi University
PSG. 17-3: Sociology of State - Resilience and Reforms and CoREX
Location: Room Ε1
PSG. 18-4: Justice and Court Administration : Artificial Intelligence in the Judiciary II
Location: Room Δ12
Chair: Prof. Anne SANDERS, Bielefeld University
PSG. 20-3: Welfare State Governance and Professionalism - Strengthening Welfare Policies and Professional Competences: The Role of Research and Evidence
Location: Room ΣΤ5
Chair: Dr. Elisabetta NOTARNICOLA, CERGAS SDA Bocconi
PSG. 23-4: Administration, Diversity and Equal Treatment
Location: Room Ε14
Chair: Prof. Anna SIMONATI, University of Trento
Chair: Dr. Rocco FRONDIZI, University of Rome Tor Vergata
PA: The Contribution of the Humanities to Public Administration
Location: Saki Karagiorga II Auditorium
Chair: Prof. Edoardo ONGARO, Open University
Chair: Dr. Fabienne MARON, International Institute of Administrative Sciences


  • Prof Geert Bouckaert, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Prof Wolfgang Drechsler, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, UCL – IIPP, UK
  • Prof. Edoardo Ongaro, Open University, UK
  • Prof Albert Mejier, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
  • Dr Michele Tantardini, Penn State, PA, USA

PSG 2-3: Public Sector Performance
Location: Room B6
PSG 6-4: GPSO : Regulation
Location: Room Γ1
Chair: Prof. Muiris MAC CARTHAIGH, Queens University Belfast
PSG 9-4: Teaching Public Administration : "Tools & Strategies for New Faculty: Publishing & Reviewing"
Location: Room Γ5
Chair: Dr. Ian C. ELLIOTT, University of Glasgow
PSG. 10-3: Law and Public Administration : Automatisation of administrative decision-making in sectoral law and practice;
Location: Room Γ6
Chair: Prof. Dacian Cosmin DRAGOS, Babes Bolyai University
PSG. 12-4: Public Sector Financial Management : 4. Financial sustainability and strategic planning
Location: Auditorium 3
Chair: Prof. Giuseppe GROSSI, Kristianstad University
PSG. 19-4: Collaborative Networks and Social Innovation : Collaborative Networks and Social Innovation : Local Governance, Networks and Innovation I I
Location: Room B1
Chair: Prof. Luca MAZZARA, University of Bologna
Chair: Dr. Fulvio SCOGNAMIGLIO, Open University & Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca
EAPAA 4: EAPAA General Meeting and Board (on invitation - members only)
Location: Meeting Room 1 U-shape - Salle du Conseil du Recteur
PSG 3-4: Public Personnel Policies 4:Inclusive Leadership and Collaboration
Location: Room B5
Chair: Prof. Adrian RITZ, Bern University
PSG 5-3: The Politics and Management of Policing and Public Safety
Location: Room Γ4
PSG. 13-4: Public Policy : Public encounters
Location: Room B3
Chair: Prof. Fritz SAGER, University of Bern
PSG. 22-4: Behavioural Public Administration
Location: Room Γ3
Chair: Prof. Raanan SULITZEANU-KENAN, Hebrew University
Coffee 6: Break
Location: Hall or Garden
PLEN 2: Public Administration and the Future of Democracy
Location: Saki Karagiorga II Auditorium
Chair: Prof. Michael BAUER, European University Institute

Introduction by Prof Dr. Michael Bauer, European University Institute (Italy)

Speakers : 

Dr Paraskevi Ant. Dramalioti , Secretary General of Coordination at the Presidency of the Government. (Greece)

Prof Dr Eva Sørensen, Professor of Public Administration and Democracy at Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University (Denmark)

Prof Dr Benoît Rihoux, Full Professor in Political Science at the University of Louvain UCLouvain  (Belgium)


Lunch 3: Break
PSG 6-5: GPSO : Agencies
Location: Room Γ1
Chair: Prof. Muiris MAC CARTHAIGH, Queens University Belfast
PSG. 18-5: Justice and Court Administration : Court Independence and Autonomy
Location: Room Δ12
Chair: Prof. Andreas LIENHARD, Center for Public Management, University of Bern
FRANCO 4: French-Speaking Seminar - Round Table (in French) De l’art de l’impossible devenant possible : Les administrations et les politiques publiques à l’ère de la transition écologique
Location: Auditorium 2
Chair: Emil TURC, Aix-Marseille Université

Speakers : 

Margarita Chondrou-Karavasili, conseillère spéciale pour l'environnement et le changement climatique, Architecte d.p.l.g., MSc Regional and Urban Planner, Grèce

Thomas Cottinet, directeur Ecolab, Commissariat général du développement durable, Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des territoires, France

Florian Favreau, professeur associé EM Normandie, docteur ès sciences de gestion, docteur en droit, France

Marcel Guenoun, conseiller recherche et développement, Direction interministérielle de la transformation publique (Ministère de la transformation et de la Fonction publiques), France

PSG 1-5: e-Government : Legal and institutional perspectives on e-Gov.
Location: Room A2
Chair: Prof. Albert Jacob MEIJER, Utrecht University

Discussant for session 5 : William Webster

PSG 2-4: Public Sector Performance
Location: Room B6
PSG 3-5: Public Personnel Policies 5: Public Leaders at Different Hierarchical Levels
Location: Room B5
Chair: Prof. Lotte Bøgh ANDERSEN, Aarhus University
PSG 4-4: Regional and Local Government : Session 4 - C Local Governance and service delivery
Location: Room A1
Chair: Prof. Ellen WAYENBERG, Ghent University
PSG 5-4: The Politics and Management of Policing and Public Safety
Location: Room Γ4
Chair: Michael IBRAHIM-SAUER, German University of the Police
PSG 7-4: Ethics and Integrity : Crafting 2
Location: Room Γ2
PSG 8-5: Citizen Participation
Location: Room A4
PSG 9-5: Teaching Public Administration
Location: Room Γ5
Chair: Dr. Monika KNASSMÛLLER, WU Vienna
PSG. 10-4: Law and Public Administration : Rule of law, transparency and participation in PA
Location: Room Γ6
Chair: Prof. Krisztina F. ROZSNYAI, ELTE University Budapest
PSG. 12-5: Public Sector Financial Management : 5 Public Sector Digitalization and Innovation
Location: Auditorium 3
Chair: Dr. Sotirios KARATZIMAS, Athens University of Economics and Business
PSG. 13-5: Public Policy: Equality and equity in service delivery
Location: Room B3
Chair: Prof. Anat GOFEN, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
PSG. 15-3: PATI
Location: Room Δ1
Chair: Dr. Erkki KARO, Tallinn University of Technology
PSG. 16-1: Public Marketing and Communication
Location: Room B2
Chair: Prof. Martial PASQUIER, University of Lausanne (UNIL)
Chair: Prof. Vincent MABILLARD, Université Libre de Bruxelles
PSG. 17-4: Sociology of State - Resilience and Reforms and CoREX
Location: Room Ε1
PSG. 19-5: Collaborative Networks and Social Innovation :Innovation in Collaborative Networks
Location: Room B1
Chair: Prof. Luca MAZZARA, University of Bologna
Chair: Dr. Manuela BARRECA, Università della Svizzera italiana
PSG. 20-4: Welfare State Governance and Professionalism - Strengthening Welfare Policies and Professional Competences: The Role of Research and Evidence
Location: Room ΣΤ5
Chair: Prof. Mirko NOORDEGRAAF, Utrecht University
PSG. 21-3: Policy-advisory system and evidence organisation
Location: Saki Karagiorga II Auditorium
Chair: Prof. Caspar VAN DEN BERG, Leiden University
PSG. 22-5: Behavioural Public Administration
Location: Room Γ3
Chair: Prof. Oliver JAMES, University of Exeter
PSG. 23-5: Administration, Diversity and Equal Treatment
Location: Room Ε14
Chair: Prof. Anna SIMONATI, University of Trento
Chair: Dr. Rocco FRONDIZI, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Coffee 7: Break
Location: Hall or Garden
COORD: Coordination of Public Policies in the Context of Effective Democratic Governance: Failures and Advantages
Location: Room A4
Chair: Dr. Judit KALMAN, Corvinus University Budapest, Hungary

Speakers : 

Ruben Tamboleo: “The struggled coordination in Spain: between integration and differentiation”.
Maria Ferreira: “Mainstreaming European Public Policies as an Exercise in Policy Coordination: Case-studies from the European Commission”.
Andrius Puksas: "Exploring the Impact of Policy Coordination Triggers and Obstacles in Lithuanian Governance Practices".
Anna Uster and Judit Kalman– "Exploring Coordinative Fatigue and Benefits in Successful Youth At-Risk Policies: A Comparative View Between Israel and Hungary"

PSG 1-6: e-Government : Accounting and Legitimacy
Location: Room A2
Chair: Dr. Shirley KEMPENEER, Tilburg University

Discussant for session 6 : Karl Löfgren

PSG 3-6: Public Personnel Policies 6 Trade-offs in Public Sector Outcomes
Location: Room B5
Chair: Dr. Carina SCHOTT, Utrecht University
PSG 6-6: GPSO : Overload & prioritization
Location: Room Γ1
Chair: Prof. Lise RYKKJA, University of Bergen
PSG 9-6: Teaching Public Administration
Location: Room Γ5
Chair: Dr. Monika KNASSMÛLLER, WU Vienna
PSG. 12-6: Public Sector Financial Management : 6 Audit and Assurance
Location: Auditorium 3
Chair: Prof. Marco BISOGNO, University of Salerno
PSG. 13-6: Public Policy : Citizen-State Interaction and Administrative Burdens
Location: Room B3
Chair: Dr. Nadine RAAPHORST, Leiden University
PSG. 18-6: Justice and Court Administration : Human Resources
Location: Room Δ12
Chair: Prof. Anne SANDERS, Bielefeld University
PSG. 19-6: Collaborative Networks and Social Innovation : Collaborative Networks Innovation for Public Values
Location: Room B1
Chair: Prof. Luca MAZZARA, University of Bologna
Chair: Dr. Fulvio SCOGNAMIGLIO, Open University & Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca
PSG. 22-6: Behavioural Public Administration
Location: Room Γ3
Chair: Sheeling NEO, Erasmus University Rotterdam
ReSPA: Inclusive and Transparent Policy-making in a Digital World
Location: Room B6
Chair: Jelena MRDAK, Regional School for Public Administration

Speakers :


  • Nedzib Delic

Public Administration Reform Coordinators Office - Cabinet of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Bosnia and Herzegovinia

  • Lidija Ljumovic,  Director General

Ministry of Public Administration Developing and Cooperation with CSOs, Montenegro

  • Gordana Gapikj Dimitrovska

State Advisor,  Ministry of Information Society and Administration, North Macedonia

  • Danilo Roncevic,  Director of Human Resources Management Service

Government of the Republic of Serbia,  Human Resources Management Service, Serbia

  • Qendrim Bytyqi

Acting Head, Department for Management of Public Officials,  Ministry of Internal Affairs, Kosovo

DIALOGUE 2: EURO- ASIA Panel on: Collaborative and participative governance for better public policies
Location: Auditorium 2
Chair: Prof. Calin Emilian HINTEA, Babes Bolyai University

Opening Address:

Si RUOXIA - Vice President of CAPS

Prof. Eko PRASOJO, President of AGPA

Prof. Jean-Michel EYMERI-DOUZANS, President of EGPA

Speakers :

Prof. Peng LIU: Institutional Isomorphism and Regulatory State Building: The Case of Food and Drug Administration of China (10 min)

Prof Eva SORENSEN: Collaborative Governance in Europe: Research Trends and empirical developments (10 min)

Prof Yongzheng YANG: The impact of regulatory instruments on nonprofits ‘compliance: Evidence from a survey experiment in China (10 min)

Prof Lei ZHAI: The Competitive Logic of Chinese Local Governments Based on Policymaking (10 min)

Prof Yazhuo HUANG: From “Isomorphic Responsibility” to Governmental Responsibility System: Explaining Grassroots Overburden and Exploring Solutions. (10 min)

Prof Elke LOEFFLER:  Participative Governance in Europe: Main Trends and Perspectives (10 min)

Concluding remarks

Panel: Meet the Editors
Location: Room A1
Chair: Prof. Andrew MASSEY, King's College London


  • Sabine Kuhlmann – International Review of Administrative Sciences
  • Ian Elliott – Public Administration and Development
  • Sara Rinfret – Public Affairs Education
  • Albert Meijer – Information Polity
  • Helen Yu - Public Personnel Management
  • Gabriela Lotta - JPART
  • Bert George – Public Management Review (Video)
PSG 7-5: Ethics and Integrity : Integrity
Location: Room Γ2
Chair: Prof. Leonie HERES, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
PSG. 16-2: Public Marketing and Communication
Location: Room B2
Chair: Prof. Martial PASQUIER, University of Lausanne (UNIL)
Chair: Prof. Vincent MABILLARD, Université Libre de Bruxelles
PSG. 20-5/ PSG. 21-4: Special Joint Session
Location: Saki Karagiorga II Auditorium
Chair: Prof. Tanja KLENK, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
Chair: Prof. Sonja BLUM, Bielefeld University
7:00pm Transport 1: Departure of the Busses from Panteion University to Dinner Venue

Departure time will be confirmed during the Conference and on the App Conf4Me 

7:30pm Transport 2: Departure of the Busses from Panteion University to Dinner Venue

Departure time will be confirmed during the Conference and on the App Conf4Me 

Dinner: EGPA Conference Dinner

Il Giardino, Δημοτικό Κολυμβητήριο Γουδή Εντός Αθλητικού Κέντρο, Athina 115 27

11:30pm Transport 3: Departure of the first Busses to Panteion University
Date: Friday, 06/Sept/2024
REG 4: The Secretariat Desk is open for administrative matters
Location: Hall - Registration Desk
ENG: Engaged Research in Public Administration: Do it & Publish it
Location: Auditorium 2
Chair: Dr. Carissa SLOTTERBACK, University of Pittsburgh
Chair: Prof. Diana Camelia IANCU, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration

Event organized under the auspices of EGPA’s President, Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans




Ian C. Elliott, Centre for Public Policy, University of Glasgow, UK


Călin Hintea, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania


Monika Knassmüller, Institute for Public Management & Governance,

WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria



Ioana Petrescu, Centre for Leadership and Innovation, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania



IRAS 2: Global Editorial Committee of the IRAS
Location: Meeting Room 1 U-shape - Salle du Conseil du Recteur
Chair: Prof. Sabine KUHLMANN, Universität Potsdam
METH: MethodsNET-EGPA Workshop: Enhancing Your Case-Based Methodological Toolbox with Flexible Approaches to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA)
Location: Room Γ1
Chair: Prof. Benoît RIHOUX, UCLouvain & MethodsNET
Chair: Dr. Anka KEKEZ, University of Zagreb & MethodsNET


PSG 1-7: e-Government : Open Government
Location: Room A2
Chair: Prof. Albert Jacob MEIJER, Utrecht University

Discussant for session 7 : Shirley Kempeneer

PSG 3-7: Public Personnel Policies 7 Hiring and Representation in the Public Sector
Location: Room B5
Chair: Dr. Eduard SCHMIDT, Leiden University
PSG 4-5: Regional and Local Government : Session 4 - C Local Governance and service delivery
Location: Room B6
Chair: Prof. Martin Jolyon LAFFIN, Queen Mary University of London
PSG 7-6: Ethics and Integrity : Corruption 1
Location: Room Γ2
Chair: Prof. Leonie HERES, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
PSG 8-6: Citizen Participation
Location: Room A4
PSG. 10-5: Law and Public Administration : General legal issues in PA
Location: Room Γ6
Chair: Prof. Polonca KOVAČ, University of Ljubljana
PSG. 11-4: Strategic Management in Government
Location: Room Δ1
Chair: Prof. Åge JOHNSEN, Oslo Metropolitan University
Chair: Dr. Paul Christopher JOYCE, University of Birmingham
PSG. 13-7: Public Policy : Policy Implementation Dynamics and Variations (This session has been cancelled)
Location: Room B3
Chair: Prof. Fritz SAGER, University of Bern
PSG. 15-4: PATI
Location: Room Ε14
Chair: Prof. Veiko LEMBER, Tallinn University of Technology
PSG. 17-5: Sociology of State - Resilience and Reforms and CoREX
Location: Room Ε1
PSG. 20-6: Welfare State Governance and Professionalism - Strengthening Welfare Policies and Professional Competences: The Role of Research and Evidence
Location: Room ΣΤ5
Chair: Prof. Karsten VRANGBAEK, University of Copenhagen
PSG. 21-5: Policy Design and Policy Learning
Location: Room A1
Chair: Dr. Ellen FOBE, KU Leuven Public Governance Institute
PSG. 22-7: Behavioural Public Administration
Location: Room Γ3
Chair: Prof. Sharon GILAD, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Coffee 8: Break
Location: Hall or Garden
PSG 1-8: e-Government : AI and Societal Values
Location: Room A2
Chair: Dr. Shirley KEMPENEER, Tilburg University

Discussant for session 8 : Christelle Perrin

Paper Presentations followed by Closing comments by the co-cahirs : 

Publication opportunities, EGPA 2025, Future agenda and Best Paper Award

PSG 3-8: Public Personnel Policies 8 Leadership and Public Service Motivation
Location: Room B5
Chair: Prof. Eva KNIES, Utrecht University

Paper presentations followed by :

Study group business (including best paper award)

PSG 4-6: Regional and Local Government : Session 4 - C Local Governance and service delivery
Location: Room B6
Chair: Prof. Ellen WAYENBERG, Ghent University
PSG 7-7: Ethics and Integrity : Corruption 2
Location: Room Γ2
PSG 8-7: Citizen Participation
Location: Room A4
PSG 9-7: Teaching Public Administration
Location: Room Γ5
Chair: Dr. Ian C. ELLIOTT, University of Glasgow
Chair: Dr. Monika KNASSMÛLLER, WU Vienna
PSG. 15-5: PATI
Location: Room Ε14
Chair: Dr. Peeter VIHMA, Tallinn University of Technology
PSG. 17-6: Sociology of State - Resilience and Reforms and CoREX
Location: Room Ε1
Chair: Prof. Jean-Michel EYMERI-DOUZANS, Sciences Po Toulouse
Chair: Prof. Marie GORANSSON, Université libre du Bruxelles
Chair: Prof. Thurid HUSTEDT, Hertie School

Presentations followed by 

Final discussion and next steps towards EGPA 2025 Glasgow Conference 
PSG. 19-7: Collaborative Networks and Social Innovation : Network and Leadership
Location: Room B1
Chair: Prof. Marco MENEGUZZO, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano (CH), University of Rome Tor Vergata
Chair: Prof. Luca MAZZARA, University of Bologna
Chair: Dr. Manuela BARRECA, Università della Svizzera italiana

Presentations followed by Final Remarks

PSG. 20-7: Welfare State Governance and Professionalism - Strengthening Welfare Policies and Professional Competences: The Role of Research and Evidence
Location: Room ΣΤ5
Chair: Prof. Tanja KLENK, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
PSG. 21-6: Policy Design and evidence in democracies and autocraties II
Location: Room Ε12
Chair: Prof. Sonja BLUM, Bielefeld University
PLEN 3: EGPA General Assembly and Closing Ceremony
Location: Saki Karagiorga II Auditorium
Chair: Prof. Jean-Michel EYMERI-DOUZANS, Sciences Po Toulouse

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