Conference Agenda
Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).
Session Overview |
Date: Monday, 26/Aug/2024 | ||||
8:30am - 9:20am |
Registration: Registration |
9:20am - 9:30am |
Opening: Conference Opening |
9:30am - 11:00am |
Keynote 1: 1st Keynote Lecture Location: 200 (180) Chair: Tomas Marvan Proper Names and the Referential-Attributive Distinction |
11:00am - 11:30am |
Coffee Break |
11:30am - 12:50pm |
Parallel 1a: Parallel Session 1a Location: 200 (180) Chair: Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska Thought, Indexicals, and Composite MOPs 12:10pm - 12:50pm Content-bearers and indexicality |
Parallel 1b: Parallel Session 1b Location: 104 (80) Chair: Paul Dekker Language Logicality and the Logic of Identification 12:10pm - 12:50pm Logic for Intransitive Coordination |
Parallel 1c: Parallel Session 1c Location: 116 (40) Chair: Juraj Hvorecky The Response-Dependence of Meaning 12:10pm - 12:50pm Quine’s Response to Davidson’s Cartesian Reading of Quine’s ‘Proximal’ Account of Meaning |
Parallel 1d: Parallel Session 1d Location: 217 (50) Chair: Ferenc Huoranszki Understanding oneself 12:10pm - 12:50pm Self-Ascription and Primitiveness |
12:50pm - 2:30pm |
Lunch |
2:30pm - 4:00pm |
Keynote 2: 2nd Keynote Lecture Location: 200 (180) Chair: Markus Werning The enigmatic nature of pain - the problem of parts and the problem of plenty |
4:00pm - 4:30pm |
Coffee Break |
4:30pm - 6:30pm |
Parallel 2a: Parallel Session 2a Location: 200 (180) Chair: Max Kölbel Lying with presuppositions — an anaphoric account 5:10pm - 5:50pm The Frege-Strawson approach to presuppositions reconsidered 5:50pm - 6:30pm An Experimental Approach to Empty Definite Descriptions |
Parallel 2b: Parallel Session 2b Location: 104 (80) Chair: Maria de Ponte Quasi-realist Approach to Normativity in Inferentialism 5:10pm - 5:50pm Negotiating Scripts with Normative Generics 5:50pm - 6:30pm Non-assertoric Moorean Speech Acts |
Parallel 2c: Parallel Session 2c Location: 116 (40) Chair: Victor Martin Verdejo A non-disjunctivist account of reference in memories from perceptual and non-perceptual experiences 5:10pm - 5:50pm The Embodied Resonance in Episodic Memory through Re-enactment 5:50pm - 6:30pm Between Agency and Passivity: Unpacking the Agential Status of Mind Wandering |
Parallel 2d: Parallel Session 2d Location: 217 (50) Chair: Jakub Mihalik Perceiving and misperceiving properties 5:10pm - 5:50pm Essential representationalism about perceptual experience 5:50pm - 6:30pm Naïve Realism and the Mark of the Mental |
6:30pm - 8:00pm |
Welcome drink |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Aug/2024 | ||||
9:30am - 11:00am |
Keynote 3: 3rd Keynote Lecture Location: 200 (180) Chair: Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska Bullshitting in public |
11:00am - 11:30am |
Coffee Break |
11:30am - 12:10pm |
Parallel 3a: Parallel Session 3a Location: 200 (180) Chair: Tomas Koblizek Engineering singular concepts |
Parallel 3b: Parallel Session 3b Location: 104 (80) Chair: Vít Gvozdiak Morphemes on Words |
Parallel 3c: Parallel Session 3c Location: 116 (40) Chair: Juraj Hvorecky Attitudes de se and Communication |
Parallel 3d: Parallel Session 3d Location: 217 (50) Chair: Ferenc Huoranszki A Challenge for the Acquaintance-Based Conception of Inner Awareness |
12:10pm - 2:00pm |
Lunch |
PLM Board Meeting Location: 201 (30) - Historical cabinet |
2:00pm - 3:30pm |
Keynote 4: 4th Keynote Lecture Location: 200 (180) Chair: Maria de Ponte Belief: from moderate anti-realism to pragmatic metaphilosophy. |
3:30pm - 5:30pm |
Poster: Flash Talks & Poster Session & Coffee Location: 200 (180) Explaining: A normative account Seweryna Łuszczewska-Romahnowa on Clarity An alternative disease model of addiction Structures of Inner Discourse: A Strategy Based Approach What Distinguishes Online and Offline Hate Speech? A Transformativist View on Online Abuse Mapping out the 4E cognition spectrum Emotional Behavior and Contagious Imitation: Cases Between Reflexes and Actions “Desolate” as a Case Study in Non-Canonical Descriptive Slurs Demonstratives and the Semantic Redundancy of Intentions |
5:30pm - 6:50pm |
Parallel 4a: Parallel Session 4a Location: 200 (180) Chair: Gauker Christopher Challenging Khoo’s Argument Against Ambiguity in Dogwhistles 6:10pm - 6:50pm Conversational Implicit Bias and Meta-Linguistic Stereotypes |
Parallel 4b: Parallel Session 4b Location: 104 (80) Chair: Max Kölbel Common ground beyond the grave 6:10pm - 6:50pm Meaning by unintentional permission |
Parallel 4c: Parallel Session 4c Location: 116 (40) Chair: Vladimír Havlík Probabilistic Arbitrary Reference 6:10pm - 6:50pm Should language models be treated as models? If so, of what? |
Parallel 4d: Parallel Session 4d Location: 217 (50) Chair: Victor Martin Verdejo On propositional attitudes as natural kinds 6:10pm - 6:50pm Knowledge-first dispositionalism about belief |
8:00pm - 10:00pm |
Conference Dinner |
Date: Wednesday, 28/Aug/2024 | ||||
9:40am - 11:00am |
Parallel 5a: Parallel Session 5a Location: 200 (180) Chair: Paul Dekker The Fregean hierarchy 10:20am - 11:00am The functional composition of thoughts |
Parallel 5b: Parallel Session 5b Location: 104 (80) Chair: Gauker Christopher Integrating Co-Speech Gestures into Sentence Meaning Comprehension 10:20am - 11:00am Keeping Count of Co-Predications |
Parallel 5c: Parallel Session 5c Location: 116 (40) Chair: Juraj Hvorecky High hopes for eternalism 10:20am - 11:00am Future and probability |
Parallel 5d: Parallel Session 5d Location: 217 (50) Chair: Jakub Mihalik Why Phenomenal Intentionality Theories Cannot Account for Identity Between Contents 10:20am - 11:00am Can original content determine phenomenal character? |
11:00am - 11:30am |
Coffee Break |
11:30am - 12:50pm |
Parallel 6a: Parallel Session 6a Location: 200 (180) Chair: Tomas Koblizek Measuring Conceptual Inflation: The Case of "Racist" |
Parallel 6b: Parallel Session 6b Location: 104 (80) Chair: Vít Gvozdiak The value of conversation (and the rise of conversational assistants) 12:10pm - 12:50pm Testing Name Swapping: Is Beyoncé really famous? |
Parallel 6c: Parallel Session 6c Location: 116 (40) Chair: Martin Zach Defining Cognitive Permeation 12:10pm - 12:50pm The causal exclusion problem and James Woodward’s interventionism |
Parallel 6d: Parallel Session 6d Location: 217 (50) Chair: Markus Werning Phenomenal intentionality and the sense of us: a defense of a consciousness-first approach to collective intentionality. 12:10pm - 12:50pm Problems with propositional attitude accounts of imagination: A need to account for the imaginative through flexibility |
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