West Virginia Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium &
15th International Mine Water Association Congress
April 21–26, 2024 | Morgantown, WV, USA
Conference Agenda
Overview and details of the sessions of this Conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for a detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available). The programme is preliminary and subject to change!
Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 12th Feb 2025, 11:26:03am EST
To register for the Conference, please navigate to https://wvtf_imwa2024.eventbrite.com
Session Overview |
Date: Sunday, 21/Apr/2024 | |||
8:00am - 9:00am |
Breakfast for Workshop attendees only Location: Foyer FGH |
9:00am - 5:00pm |
PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat model to evaluate water-quality effects from passive and active treatment of mine drainage Location: Wharf A Chair: Charles A Cravotta III This workshop starts at 10 am Brad Schultz & Brent Means |
Hydrogeological Tracer Techniques for Ground, Surface and Mine Water Location: Salons FGH Chair: Christian Wolkersdorfer Chair: Elke Mugova |
Geochemist’s Workbench Workshop Location: Wharf B Chair: Brent Means Brent Means & Tom Meuzelaar |
12:00pm - 1:00pm |
Lunch for Workshop attendees only Location: Foyer FGH |
6:30pm - 8:30pm |
IMWA Executive Council Meeting Location: Puskar Boardroom Chair: Christian Wolkersdorfer Attendance is limited to Executive Council Members and invitees. |
Date: Monday, 22/Apr/2024 | |||
7:30am - 8:45am |
Breakfast Location: MEC B |
8:45am - 10:25am |
Opening Ceremony + Plenary Session Location: Salons D & E Chair: Jeff Skousen
Performance of natural and residual materials for mine water treatment and mine sites rehabilitation UQAT - University of Quebec in Abitibi-Temiscamingue, Canada Distribution of flow in sedimentation and AMD treatment ponds 1: WOPEC, Lewisburg, WV, United States of America; 2: West Virginia University, United States of America |
10:25am - 10:55am |
Coffee break Location: Platinum and MEC Lobbies where exhibitors are set up |
10:55am - 12:10pm |
Plenary session (continued) Location: Salons D & E Chair: Jeff Skousen 1. First speaker: 10:55-11:20
2. Second speaker: 11:20-11:45 3. Third speaker: 11:45-12:10 Integrated treatment of acid mine drainage and rare earth critical materials production West Virginia University, United States of America Nature-based solutions for mine water challenges: Linking mining reclamation, environmental remediation, ecological restoration, and sustainable resource extraction University of Oklahoma, United States of America A phased approach to mine dewatering – updated from IMWA 1993 KLM Consulting Services, South Africa |
12:10pm - 1:15pm |
Lunch Location: MEC B |
1:15pm - 2:30pm |
Mine Hydrology Location: Salons A–C Chair: Henning Jasnowski-Peters 1. First speaker: 1:15-1:40
2. Second speaker: 1:40-2:05 3. Third speaker: 2:05-2:30 Tracer dilution profiles for mine dewatering: approach and case study Hydro-Ressources Inc, United States of America 🎓 Advancing sustainable mine water management through understanding stratification in flooded underground mines 1: TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2: Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa Various rainfall forecasting methods for estimation of pit lake flooding duration in Indonesia Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesia |
Stream Renewal and Treatment Location: Salon D Chair: Ben B Faulkner Chair: Gene Tiff Hilton 1. First speaker: 1:15-1:40
2. Second speaker: 1:40-2:05 3. Third speaker: 2:05-2:30 A watershed-based NPDES approach to AMD treatment in Muddy Creek, Cheat River, West Virginia, USA West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, United States of America The engineering of truly passive mine water treatment systems using recycled concrete aggregate Adrian Brown Consultants, Inc., United States of America Beyond reclamation and remediation, next steps in a recovered watershed Ohio University, United States of America |
Stream Contamination and Restoration Location: Salon E Chair: Heather Trexler 1. First speaker: 1:15-1:40
2. Second speaker: 1:40-2:05 Sandy Creek restoration – the tale of two acid mine drainage treatment systems West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, United States of America Biomagnification of potentially toxic elements from Tahmoor Colliery, Bargo NSW, from water and sediment into the surrounding biota and fur of the iconic Australian platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) Western Sydney University, Australia |
2:30pm - 3:00pm |
Coffee break Location: Platinum and MEC Lobbies where exhibitors are set up |
3:00pm - 4:40pm |
Mine Hydrology Location: Salons A–C Chair: Linda Figueroa 1. First speaker: 3:00-3:25
2. Second speaker: 3:25-3:50 3. Third speaker: 3:50-4:15 4. Fourth speaker: 4:15-4:40 Hydrogeochemical investigations in the vicinity of the former Havelock asbestos mine near Bulembu, eSwatini (formerly Swaziland) 1: Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), South Africa; 2: TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 3: University of Pretoria, Südafrika; 4: Artist, Südafrika 🎓 Intergrated groundwater management model for underground coal gasification plants Wits University, South Africa Upper He Creek water balance hydraulic and hydrogeologic solutions in east central Tennessee Earthres Group, Inc., United States of America 🎓 A workflow to evaluate hydraulic barriers during mine water rebound: A holistic approach Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola Bochum, Germany |
Stream Renewal and Treatment Location: Salon D Chair: Tim Danehy Chair: Gene Tiff Hilton 1. First speaker: 3:00-3:25
2. Second speaker: 3:25-3:50 3. Third speaker: 3:50-4:15 4. Fourth speaker: 4:15-4:40 The Barnes & Tucker #20 Mine Drainage Treatment Facility: optimization case study in consideration of variable flow and water chemistry 1: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, United States of America; 2: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation Pell road doser upgrade project Tetra Tech, Inc., United States of America Harvesting the Energy of Mine Water MT Water Management, Inc., United States of America Stream restoration solutions for challenging environments GAI Consultants, Inc., United States of America |
Stream Contamination and Restoration Location: Salon E Chair: Ana Raquel Barroso 1. First speaker: 3:00-3:25
2. Second speaker: 3:25-3:50 3. Third speaker: 3:50-4:15 4. Fourth speaker: 4:15-4:40 The Transport of toxic elements from the Marie-Louise landfill site and nearby gold mine dumps to waterbodies 1: Department of Chemistry, University of Pretoria; 2: School of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand Floodplain reconnection stream restoration in longwall mined watershed increases water and nutrient retention Ohio University, United States of America Influences on Mine Water Quality that are not related to Acid Mine Drainage Digby WElls Environmental, South Africa Tracking AMD trace metals in an anthracite passive treatment system in the Shamokin Creek watershed 1: Department of Chemistry, Bucknell University, United States of America; 2: Department of Geology, Bucknell University, United States of America |
5:00pm - 7:15pm |
Opening Reception – Monday evening Location: Platinum and MEC Lobbies where exhibitors are set up Chair: Jeff Skousen Food, drinks, and Appalachian music |
7:00pm - 9:00pm |
IMWA Journal Editorial Meeting Location: Puskar Boardroom Chair: Robert Lawrence Kleinmann |
7:00pm - 9:00pm |
Early Career Professional Social Chair: Elke Mugova |
Date: Tuesday, 23/Apr/2024 | ||||
7:30am - 8:30am |
Breakfast Location: MEC B |
8:30am - 9:45am |
Active Treatment Location: Salons A–C Chair: Jonathan Dietz 1. First speaker: 8:30-8:55
2. Second speaker: 8:55-9:20 3. Third speaker: 9:20-9:45 Case Study – The Gladden acid mine drainage (AMD) treatment facility and Fishing Run stream sealing project Tetra Tech, United States of America Using iron oxidation and decarbonation to enhance inorganic carbon removal in coal mine drainage OSMRE, United States of America Restoring the north branch Blacklick Creek with a centralized mine drainage treatment facility Tetra Tech, United States of America |
Mine Water Treatment and Management Location: Salon D Chair: Robert Lawrence Kleinmann 1. First speaker: 8:30-8:55
2. Second speaker: 8:55-9:20 3. Third speaker: 9:20-9:45 Teaching hydrogeology in a mined site: a case study on West Run, Morgantown, WV West Virginia University, United States of America The Banning/West Newton Coal Logistics coal refuse pile reclamation project, Rostraver Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Tetra Tech, Inc., United States of America Ongoing case study, Berry Branch selenium pilot treatment system using sulfur modified iron, former Hobet Surface Mine, Lincoln County, WV ERP Environmental Fund Receivership Estate |
Circular Economy Location: Salon E Chair: Teresa Maria Valente 1. First speaker: 8:30-8:55
2. Second speaker: 8:55-9:20 3. Third speaker: 9:20-9:45 Recovery of copper as “clean” nanoparticles of CuS from acid rock drainage and mine process water 1: Universidad San Sebastián, Chile; 2: Universidad de Concepción, Chile Hydrochar for metal removal from acid mine drainage Ohio University, United States of America 🎓 Double burden of mine water resources and the prospect of corporate sustainability as adaptation strategy: perspectives from Ghana, West Africa University of Bonn, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Germany |
Tailings and Tailings Management Location: Salons F–H Chair: Gwendelyn Geidel 1. First speaker: 8:30-8:55
2. Second speaker: 8:55-9:20 3. Third speaker: 9:20-9:45 Hydrogeological inputs to stability analysis of tailings storage facilities 1: Jones & Wagener, South Africa; 2: Jones & Wagener, South Africa Saturated-unsaturated seepage characteristics and stability analysis of tailings dam under different rainfall pattern Hezhou University, China, People's Republic of Hyperspectral UAS-sensing for tailing ponds monitoring: Towards responsible resource repurposing 1: Research Center of Post-Mining (FZN), Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola (THGA); 2: Faculty of Geoscience, Geoengineering and Mining, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF) |
9:45am - 10:15am |
Coffee break Location: Platinum and MEC Lobbies where exhibitors are set up |
10:15am - 11:55am |
Active Treatment Location: Salons A–C Chair: Brent Means 1. First speaker: 10:15-10:40
2. Second speaker: 10:40-11:05 3. Third speaker: 11:05-11:30 4. Fourth speaker: 11:30-11:55 Pilot plant testing to determine the process effects of treating net alkaline mine water using the high density sludge process. 1: The Coal Authority, United Kingdom; 2: Materials Recovery Systems Limited, United Kingdom Using state point analysis and settling flux theory to design and operate mine water treatment clarifiers WesTech Engineering, United States of America Mine Water Pinch - increasing reuse/recycle efficiency while optimising water treatment on a mine sites 1: WSP, South Africa; 2: WSP, UK; 3: iX engineers, South Africa 🎓 Potential of continuous electrocoagulation for the treatment of coal mine water containing colloidal clays 1: Environmental Engineering Master Program, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology; 2: Water and Wastewater Research Group, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology; 3: Environmental Department, PT. Kaltim Prima Coal, Indonesia |
Mine Water Treatment and Management continued Location: Salon D Chair: John Brady Gutta 1. First speaker: 10:15-10:40
2. Second speaker: 10:40-11:05 3. Third speaker: 11:05-11:30 4. Fourth speaker: 11:30-11:55 Datashed: an online tool for managing AMD treatment systems and restoration of impacted watersheds 1: Stream Restoration Incorporated, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, United States of America; 2: BioMost, Inc, Mars, Pennsylvania, United States of America Passive Treatment using Drainable Limestone Beds: Lessons from 13 Years of Design and Maintenance Hedin Environmental Expanding possibilities for the co-treatment of mine drainage with municipal wastewater 1: University of South Carolina, United States of America; 2: U.S. Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement; 3: Narraganset Bay Commission; 4: University of Rhode Island; 5: Saint Francis University Acid mine drainage active treatment solutions options and evaluation Envirogen Technologies, Inc, United States of America |
Circular Economy Location: Salon E Chair: Rosemary C. Capo 1. First speaker: 10:15-10:40
2. Second speaker: 10:40-11:05 3. Third speaker: 11:05-11:30 4. Fourth speaker: 11:30-11:55 Sorption of metals from low-iron acid mine drainage using agricultural waste materials Ohio University, United States of America Implementing water conservation and water demand management in South Africa’s mining industry 1: WSP UK; 2: WSP South Africa; 3: Minerals Council South Africa |
Tailings and Tailings Management Location: Salons F–H Chair: Kym Lesley Morton 1. First speaker: 10:15-10:40
2. Second speaker: 10:40-11:05 3. Third speaker: 11:05-11:30 4. Fourth speaker: 11:30-11:55 Forecasting opportunities for co-management of Cu-Ni tailings with byproducts of iron ore mining MineraLogic, United States of America Reclamation of two kyanite mine tailings ponds with different surface topographies University of SC, United States of America Assessment of AMD Potential and Prediction of a long-term Sulfate Plume of a Tailing Storage Facility Decades after its Decommissioning 1: RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Hydrogeology, Germany; 2: AAV – Association for Land Recycling and Remediation of Contaminated Sites, Germany; 3: Bezirksregierung Arnsberg Dezernat 63 - Abschlussbetriebsplanverfahren, Germany; 4: IHS – Ingenieurbüro Heitfeld-Schetelig GmbH, Germany |
11:55am - 1:00pm |
Lunch Break Location: MEC B |
1:00pm - 2:40pm |
Active Treatment Location: Salons A–C Chair: Michael Alan Cox 1. First speaker: 1:00-1:25
2. Second speaker: 1:25-1:50 3. Third speaker: 1:50-2:15 4. Fourth speaker: 2:15-2:40 Active treatment of high strength acid mine drainage at a clay mine and coal refuse sites Iron Oxide Technologies, United States of America Underestimation of alkaline dosage and precipitate amount during water treatment: Role of inorganic carbon and use of PHREEQ-N-AMDTreat 1: Sangji University, Korea, Republic of (South Korea); 2: Korea Mine Rehabilitation and Mineral Resources Corporation (KOMIR), Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Treatment of coal mine leachate for neutralization and metal removal University of South Africa, South Africa Development of a single stage High Density Sludge (HDS) process for the reopening of South Crofty Tin Mine, Cornwall, UK 1: Materials Recovery Systems, United Kingdom; 2: Cornish Metals, United Kingdom |
Passive Treatment of Mine Water Location: Salon D Chair: William Strosnider 1. First speaker: 1:00-1:25
2. Second speaker: 1:25-1:50 3. Third speaker: 1:50-2:15 4. Fourth speaker: 2:15-2:40 Successful acid mine drainage abatement – a case study Skelly and Loy, a Terracon Company, United States of America Carbonation of mine water to increase calcite dissolution Hedin Environmental, United States of America Passive treatment of Mn: results from an experimental pilot system Hedin Environmental, United States of America Comparison of Midwestern U.S. conventional and hybrid vertical flow ponds to previous performance data US Dept. Interior, United States of America |
Tailings and Tailings Management Location: Salons F–H Chair: Lisa Bithell Kirk 1. First speaker: 1:00-1:25
2. Second speaker: 1:25-1:50 3. Third speaker: 1:50-2:15 4. Fourth speaker: 2:15-2:40 Tailings dam breach assessment – a review 1: Barr Engineering Co.; 2: University of Ottawa Geochemical controls on mobilization of metals from tailings and implications for cover amendments 1: Colorado School of Mines; 2: Itasca Denver Inc. The potential of reprocessing Au and by-products from a tailing dam in the Iron Quadrangle – The case of the Cuiaba Dam, Sabará, Minas Gerais 1: University of Minho, Institute of Earth Sciences, Portugal; 2: University of Évora, Institute of Earth Sciences; 3: Anglogold Ashanti, Mining & Technical, COO International Short water recirculation during the flotation of a UG2 Cu-Ni-PGM ore: Implications on tailings dewatering and quality of the recovered water University of Cape Town, South Africa |
2:40pm - 3:10pm |
Coffee break Location: Platinum and MEC Lobbies where exhibitors are set up |
3:10pm - 5:00pm |
Active Treatment Location: Salons A–C Chair: Dorothy J Vesper 1. First speaker: 3:10-3:35
2. Second speaker: 3:35-4:00 3. Third speaker: 4:00-4:25 4. Fourth speaker: 4:25-4:50 Removal of selenium by biological reduction and surface complexation: removal efficiencies and speciation results Veolia Water Technologies Canada, Canada Electrolytic manganese removal from acid rock drainage 1: Itasca Denver Inc.; 2: Colorado School of Mines Economical and Environmentally Friendly Adsorption of Arsenic from Mine Drainage: Comparison between CMDS-Bead and GFH Sangji university, Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Innovative data collection and management strategies for improved water treatment efficiency 1: Life Cycle Geo, United States of America; 2: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission |
Passive Treatment of Mine Water Location: Salon D Chair: Robert S Hedin 1. First speaker: 3:10-3:35
2. Second speaker: 3:35-4:00 3. Third speaker: 4:00-4:25 4. Fourth speaker: 4:25-4:50 Feasibility of the scale-up of a semi-passive biological Sulfate Reduction Process Treating High Sulfate Mine-Influenced Water Mintek, South Africa A toolbox for characterizing organic media in passive biotreatment cells 1: Alloy, Inc.; 2: Remediation Management Services Company; 3: EnSci, Inc.; 4: Astalagus Environmental Lambert Run: a passive treatment approach to watershed remediation 1: WV Water Research Institute, United States of America; 2: WVU Institute for Sustainability and Energy Research, United States of America Development of an un-powered remote monitoring system of mine waste water National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan |
Water Management / Mine Hydrology Location: Salon E Chair: Christian Wolkersdorfer 1. First speaker: 3:10-3:35
2. Second speaker: 3:35-4:00 3. Third speaker: 4:00-4:25 4. Fourth speaker: 4:25-4:50 Applicability of machine learning in agile decision making in open pit dewatering: A case study at Antamina mine (Peru) 1: Amphos 21 Consulting Peru, Peru; 2: Antamina Mine Cooperative mine land reclamation operations & comprehensive managed watershed planning 1: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, United States of America; 2: Earth Wise Consulting, LLC; 3: Minetech Engineers, Inc. Flow and load accretion study improved understanding of hyporheic exchange plus contaminant plume sources and transport at an operating mine BGC Engineering Inc., Canada Metal loads accounting at a legacy mine site: The Tar Creek Superfund Site, Oklahoma, USA Center for Restoration of Ecosystems and Watersheds, School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, University of Oklahoma, United States of America |
5:00pm - 7:00pm |
Poster & Networking Session Location: Salon Lobby between registration and Platinum Lobby Chair: Robert Lawrence Kleinmann Chair: Jeff Skousen Monday creek restoration, snow fork dosers Tetra Tech Inc., United States of America 🎓 Application of statistical models to estimate total dissolved solids in acid mine drainage 1: ICT – Institute of Earth Sciences, pole of University of Minho, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal; 2: GEOBIOTEC, Geosciences department, University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal Characterizing cobalt sequestration in manganese-rich coal mine drainage treatment solids 1: University of Pittsburgh, United States of America; 2: National Energy Technology Laboratory, United States of America Column experiments on the settling characteristics of suspended solids in mine water treatment facilities 1: Hanyang University, Republic of Korea; 2: Sangji University, Republic of Korea; 3: Korea Mine Rehabilitation and Mineral Resources Corporation, Republic of Korea Post-mining water-sediment interaction on U-mine area – a contribution to water management 1: ICT – Institute of Earth Sciences, pole of University of Minho, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal; 2: Higher Institute of Water Sciences and Techniques, University of Gabes, University Campus, 6033 Gabes Applied -Hydrosciences Laboratory; 3: University of Coimbra, Portugal Effect of different sources and local conditions in the post-mining contamination by acid mine drainage: three case studies in Iberian Peninsula (SW Europe) 1: ICT - Institute of Earth Sciences, pole of University of Minho, Portugal; 2: ICT - Institute of Earth Sciences, pole of University of Évora, Portugal Conservation and promotion of the Coal Mining Heritage as Europe’s Cultural legacy: Ruhr Area Examples Research Center of Post-Mining (FZN), Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola (THGA), Herner Straße 45, 44787 Bochum, Germany Analysis of a base-load-capable heat supply of quarters considering aquifers in disused mines as heat storages for locally specific renewable (waste) heat potentials 1: DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Germany; 2: TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany Determination of cyanide and potentially toxic elements in gold tailings at Barberton, Mpumalanga, South Africa 1: Council for Mineral Technology (MINTEK) Private Bag X3015, Randburg 2125, Johannesburg, South Africa.; 2: Institute for Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability, College of Science Engineering and Technology, Science Campus, University of South Africa, Roodepoort, 1710 Johannesburg, South Africa; 3: Maelgwyn South Africa, Building A - Stand 221A, Paddock Lane, Boundary Park, North Riding, Randburg 2188, Johannesburg, South Africa Considering residual flocculants and coagulants in recycled mine water on the surface chemistry of talc: Implications on flotation performance University of Cape Town, South Africa In-situ testing and data applications for upstream-constructed coal refuse impoundments GAI Consultants, Inc., United States of America 🎓 A review of the reducing and alkalinity-producing passive treatment system for remediating acid mine drainage 1: Council for geoscience; 2: University of Johannesburg Assessing the cost and applicability of passive treatment and risk-based point-of-use management for 26 legacy mine drainages 1: National Institute of Advanced Industrial and Science Technology; 2: Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation; 3: Division of Sustainable Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University Abandoned Mine Pools: a Threat to the Environment or a Water Resource for Beneficial Uses Hana Engineers and Consultants, LLC., United States of America Sulfide-rich waste classification using a fast and cost-effective reactivity index University of Minho, Institute of Earth Sciences, pole of the University of Minho, Portugal |
Date: Wednesday, 24/Apr/2024 | |||||
7:00am - 8:00am |
Breakfast for field trip attendees Location: Platinum Foyer |
8:00am - 12:00pm |
Field Trip 4 | CANCELLED |
Field Trip 5 | CANCELLED |
Field Trip 1 | Humphrey Mine and Mylan Park Location: Lobby near the Registration Table Chair: Jeff Skousen |
Field Trip 2 | Active Treatment Systems Location: Lobby near the Registration Table Chair: Paul Ziemkiewicz |
Field Trip 3 | Passive Treatment of Acidic Mine Drainage (half day, West Virginia) Location: Lobby near the Registration Table Chair: Tim Danehy |
8:00am - 5:00pm |
Field Trip 6 | Passive treatment (full day, Pennsylvania) Location: Lobby near the Registration Table Chair: Robert S Hedin |
12:00pm - 1:00pm |
Lunch (for Field Trip Attendees only) Location: Platinum Foyer |
1:10pm - 5:00pm |
Field Trip 1 | CANCELLED |
Field Trip 2 | Active Treatment Systems Location: Lobby near the Registration Table Chair: Paul Ziemkiewicz |
Field Trip 3 | Passive Treatment of Acidic Mine Drainage (half day, West Virginia) Location: Lobby near the Registration Table Chair: Tim Danehy |
Field Trip 4 | Longview Power Plant Location: Lobby near the Registration Table |
Field Trip 5 | Laurel Caverns Location: Lobby near the Registration Table Chair: Robert Lawrence Kleinmann |
6:00pm - 8:00pm |
Cornhole Tournament & Reception Location: Platinum and MEC Lobbies where exhibitors are set up Chair: Jeff Skousen Chair: Robert Lawrence Kleinmann Informal reception with food and drinks, and cornhole tournament.
Interested people will be sorted into 2-person teams to compete.
Sponsored by “Kleinfelder – Bright People. Right Solutions.” and “Dutchland LLC – Innovation. Experience. Eco-friendly.” |
Date: Thursday, 25/Apr/2024 | ||||
7:30am - 8:30am |
Breakfast Location: MEC B |
8:30am - 9:45am |
Geothermal Energy from Mine Water Location: Salons A–C Chair: Elke Mugova 1. First speaker: 8:30-8:55
2. Second speaker: 8:55-9:20 3. Third speaker: 9:20-9:45 GIS-based development of energy networks using mine water geothermal energy for cross-sectoral heating and cooling supply of municipal quarters 1: DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Germany; 2: TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany WINZER: Multi-scale modelling concept for numerical modelling of seasonal thermal energy storage in groundwater-filled underground coal mines 1: delta h, Witten, Germany; 2: Fraunhofer IEG, Bochum, NRW, Germany Geothermal multiple use of mine water from the Wolf – San Fernando – Friedrich Wilhelm composite mine, Rhenish Massiv, Germany Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany |
Passive Treatment of Mine Water Location: Salon D Chair: Robert W. Nairn 1. First speaker: 8:30-8:55
2. Second speaker: 8:55-9:20 3. Third speaker: 9:20-9:45 Navigating difficult site constraints to facilitate ecological recovery of an impaired watershed Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc., United States of America Sulfate removal from mine drainage at low temperature: effects of three reactive porous media on microbial sulfate reduction Uppsala University, Sweden Reducing water quality impacts from abandoned mines in Saxony – Challenges and benefits for passive treatment options 1: G.E.O.S. Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Germany; 2: Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, Germany; 3: Wismut GmbH, Germany |
Prediction & Control of Mine Water Issues Location: Salon E Chair: Benoît Plante 1. First speaker: 8:30-8:55
2. Second speaker: 8:55-9:20 3. Third speaker: 9:20-9:45 Evaluation of geochemical reaction rates from different wet-dry cycle intervals in laboratory kinetic test Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesia Coal mine drainage contaminant trend prediction in an Appalachian basin, USA 1: University of Pittsburgh, United States of America; 2: United States Geological Survey; 3: Hedin Environmental; 4: West Virginia University, USA Geochemical modeling to understand and mitigate aquatic contamination by abandoned mine drainage U.S. Geological Survey, Pennsylvania Water Science Center, New Cumberland, PA, USA |
Rare Earth Resources Location: Salons F–H Chair: Nathan Cory DePriest 1. First speaker: 8:30-8:55
2. Second speaker: 8:55-9:20 3. Third speaker: 9:20-9:45 Application of supported liquid membranes for extraction of rare earth elements from acidic coal mine drainage 1: Duke University, United States of America; 2: Hedin Environmental, United States of America Generating Rare Earth Element and Critical Mineral hydraulic pre-concentrate from acid mine drainage at remote sites: a case study at Fola Job 5, Clay County, WV 1: Slippery Rock University, United States of America; 2: West Virginia Water Research Institute; 3: West Virginia University Identification of rare earth element occurrences in mine waste throughout Montana Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, United States of America |
9:45am - 10:15am |
Coffee break Location: Platinum and MEC Lobbies where exhibitors are set up |
10:15am - 11:05am |
Geothermal Energy from Mine Water Location: Salons A–C Chair: Terry Edward Ackman 1. First speaker: 10:15-10:40
2. Second speaker: 10:40-11:05 3. Third speaker: 11:05-11:30 4. Fourth speaker: 11:30-11:55 Mine thermal energy storage (MTES) systems in abandoned collieries within the Ruhr area 1: Fraunhofer IEG; 2: delta h GIS based analysis of heat demand and subsurface potential of abandoned mining infrastructure in the Ruhr region, Germany Fraunhofer IEG, Germany |
Passive Treatment of Mine Water Location: Salon D Chair: Benjamin Hedin 1. First speaker: 10:15-10:40
2. Second speaker: 10:40-11:05 3. Third speaker: 11:05-11:30 4. Fourth speaker: 11:30-11:55 🎓 Treating Fe-rich acid mine drainage with Tasmanian plants as a metal removal mechanism 1: Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Australia; 2: School of Earth, Atmosphere, and Environment, Monash University, Australia 🎓 Effect of source water chemical composition on the mineralogical and chemical properties of resulting iron oxide precipitates in coal and hard-rock mining influenced waters University of Oklahoma, United States of America |
Prediction & Control of Mine Water Issues Location: Salon E Chair: Terry W. Schmidt 1. First speaker: 10:15-10:40
2. Second speaker: 10:40-11:05 3. Third speaker: 11:05-11:30 4. Fourth speaker: 11:30-11:55 🎓 Characterization and modeling of Acid Mine Drainage in a highly acidic Stream (Trimpancho mining complex, SW of Spain) 1: ICT – Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Minho, Portugal; 2: GEOBIOTEC, Geosciences Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal; 3: CQUM, Centre of Chemistry, University of Minho, Portugal; 4: CEB - Centre of Biological Engineering, University of Minho, Portugal Mining-Influenced Water Treatment Technology Demonstration Program lessons learned from two EPA Superfund sites Environmental Protection Agency, United States of America |
Rare Earth Resources Location: Salons F–H Chair: Sarah Kreitzer 1. First speaker: 10:15-10:40
2. Second speaker: 10:40-11:05 3. Third speaker: 11:05-11:30 4. Fourth speaker: 11:30-11:55 Lab-based assessment of critical metal adsorption by biotic and abiotic hydrous manganese oxides 1: University of Pittsburgh; 2: Hedin Environmental; 3: Carnegie Museum of Natural History Laboratory and field observations inform geochemical models of treatment strategies to recover rare-earth elements from acid mine drainage 1: U.S. Geological Survey, Pennsylvania Water Science Center, New Cumberland, PA, USA; 2: Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, USA; 3: Hedin Environmental, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, USA |
11:05am - 12:00pm |
Panel Discussion on Mine Water Treatment Location: Salon E Chair: Brent Means Panelists: Orna O’Toole, Bob Hedin, Eric Cavazza, Dave McCoy, and Chuck Cravotta |
12:00pm - 1:00pm |
Lunch Break Location: MEC B |
1:00pm - 2:15pm |
Passive Treatment of Mine Water Location: Salon D Chair: Paul T Behum Jr. 1. First speaker: 1:00-1:25
2. Second speaker: 1:25-1:50 3. Third speaker: 1:50-2:15 Self-organizing wetland bioreactors (SOWBs) application to mining reclamation: direct and indirect bioremediation as a design tool for mine influenced water (MIW) benefaction EcoIslands LLC, United States of America Batch operating limestone treatment systems (BOLTS): a novel approach to treating mine drainage at lower cost 1: 1Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA, USA; 2: BioMost, Inc. Mars, PA, USA; 3: Stream Restoration Inc, Slippery Rock, PA, USA; 4: University of South Carolina, Baruch Marine Field Laboratory, Georgetown, SC, USA,; 5: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA Crossville coal passive treatment system – the redesign of a non-functioning iron and manganese treatment system OSMRE, United States of America |
Prediction & Control of Mine Water Issues Location: Salon E Chair: Lucila Dunnington 1. First speaker: 1:00-1:25
2. Second speaker: 1:25-1:50 3. Third speaker: 1:50-2:15 Development of a prediction method for contaminated neutral drainage: Case of Lac Tio, QC 1: Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue; 2: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University; 3: Rio Tinto Fer et Titane Nitrate removal from waste rock drainage with denitrifying bioreactors at the Kiruna iron ore mine 1: Uppsala University, Sweden; 2: Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag (LKAB), Sweden |
Water Management / Mine Hydrology Location: Salons F–H Chair: Terry W. Schmidt 1. First speaker: 1:00-1:25
2. Second speaker: 1:25-1:50 3. Third speaker: 1:50-2:15 Watergenics AISRAS: addressing the problem of sudden changes in ion concentrations with real-time spectroscopy 1: Watergenics GmbH, Germany; 2: Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola, Germany Determination of groundwater level using advanced machine learning methods Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran. |
2:15pm - 2:45pm |
Coffee break Location: Platinum and MEC Lobbies where exhibitors are set up |
2:45pm - 4:45pm |
IMWA General Assembly Meeting Location: Salon D |
6:00pm - 9:00pm |
Gala dinner & Awards Banquet Location: MEC B Chair: Christian Wolkersdorfer It is expected that you will dress appropriately for an Awards Banquet. |
Date: Friday, 26/Apr/2024 | |||
7:30am - 8:30am |
Breakfast Location: MEC B |
8:30am - 9:45am |
Mine Water Geochemistry Location: Salons A–C Chair: Charles A Cravotta III 1. First speaker: 8:30-8:55
2. Second speaker: 8:55-9:20 3. Third speaker: 9:20-9:45 The release of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and CO₂ from coal mine drainages 1: West Virginia University, USA; 2: USGS; 3: Penn West University, USA; 4: Bucknell University, USA; 5: Sweet Brier College, USA; 6: Chatham University, USA; 7: University of Pittsburgh, USA Improving Fe oxidizing/removal process by limestone addition to rice husk bed on large scale passive treatment test for AMD in Japan Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security, Japan Diurnal cycles of dissolved inorganic carbon and dissolved metals at Lambert Run, Harrison County, WV 1: Chatham University, United States of America; 2: West Virginia University, United States of America |
Mine Closure & Legacy Issues Location: Salon D Chair: Adrian Brown 1. First speaker: 8:30-8:55
2. Second speaker: 8:55-9:20 3. Third speaker: 9:20-9:45 Challenges of defining what ‘success’ looks like for closure of pit lakes as aquatic ecosystems Mine, Water and Environment Research Centre, Edith Cowan University, Australia Water Management and Treatment in the Closure Phase: Case Studies and the Associated Challenges Digby Wells Environmental Understanding a passive treatment mechanism of manganese and zinc at a legacy mine in northern Japan using geochemical modelling 1: Institute for Geo-Resources and Environment, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; 2: Department of Biological Environment, Akita Prefectural University; 3: Department of Bioapplications and Systems Engineering (BASE), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology |
Water Management / Mine Hydrology Location: Salon E Chair: Natalie A Kruse Daniels 1. First speaker: 8:30-8:55
2. Second speaker: 8:55-9:20 3. Third speaker: 9:20-9:45 Banning No. 4 Mine, a tale of Title V facility retrofit project development. Kleinfelder, Inc., United States of America Tioga river watershed restoration, design considerations and updates Kleinfelder, Inc., United States of America Low-concentration sulfate removal from wastewater with barite precipitation technology University of Minnesota Duluth, United States of America |
9:45am - 10:15am |
Coffee break Location: Platinum and MEC Lobbies where exhibitors are set up |
10:15am - 11:30am |
Mine Water Geochemistry Location: Salons A–C Chair: Jill Leighanne Riddell 1. First speaker: 10:15-10:40
2. Second speaker: 10:40-11:05 3. Third speaker: 11:05-11:30 4. Fourth speaker: 11:30-11:55 Leaching dynamics of Pb, Zn, and F: Long-term leaching of waste rock from mine site of Ivittuut, South Greenland 1: Greenland Institute for Natural Resources, Greenland; 2: University of Gothenburg, Sweden; 3: University of Oslo, Norway; 4: Rambøll, Denmark; 5: Government of Greenland, Greenland; 6: University of Aarhus, Denmark Regional spatial distribution of elements in the Vaal primary catchment using stream sediments geochemistry: Implication on anthropogenic and geogenic source 1: Council for Geoscience,South Africa; 2: University of the Free State, South Africa; 3: Geological Survey of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany Estimating carbon dioxide flux from coal mining discharge portals in the bituminous coal field region of Pennsylvania 1: West Virginia University, United States of America; 2: Pennsylvania Western University, California, PA, United States of America |
Mine Closure & Legacy Issues Location: Salon D Chair: Mark Lund 1. First speaker: 10:15-10:40
2. Second speaker: 10:40-11:05 3. Third speaker: 11:05-11:30 4. Fourth speaker: 11:30-11:55 Ensuring the water quality of post-mining lakes in Central Germany by implementing two different aftercare strategies to meet alkalinity demand LMBV mbH, Germany UAVs for analyzing legacy issues and development opportunities on former mine lands West Virginia University, United States of America Sediments in affected river systems – lessons learned from WISMUT remediation Wismut GmbH, Germany |
Water Management / Mine Hydrology Location: Salon E Chair: Sami Pretzel 1. First speaker: 10:15-10:40
2. Second speaker: 10:40-11:05 3. Third speaker: 11:05-11:30 4. Fourth speaker: 11:30-11:55 Abandoned coal mine mitigation in artesian conditions Brierley Associates, United States of America Watershed scale reclamation and treatment planning with changing reclamation funding sources Ohio University, United States of America Hydrogeochemical Monitoring of Mine Waters for a controlled and sustainable Mine Water Rebound – from a univariate to a multivariate Tracer Monitoring Concept Research Center of Post Mining, Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola University, Bochum, Germany |
11:30am - 11:55am |
Closing Ceremony Location: Salon D |
11:55am - 1:30pm |
Lunch Break Location: MEC B |
2:00pm - 11:59pm |
Post-conference field trip Location: Lobby near the Registration Table April 26 to 29, 2024 Tour guide: Brent Means |
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