Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Geothermal Energy from Mine Water
Thursday, 25/Apr/2024:
10:15am - 11:05am

Session Chair: Terry Edward Ackman
Location: Salons A–C

1. First speaker: 10:15-10:40
2. Second speaker: 10:40-11:05
3. Third speaker: 11:05-11:30
4. Fourth speaker: 11:30-11:55

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Mine thermal energy storage (MTES) systems in abandoned collieries within the Ruhr area

Florian Hahn1, Stefan Klein1, Kevin Mannke1, René Verhoeven1, Jonas Güldenhaupt1, Torsten Seidel2, Timo König2

1Fraunhofer IEG; 2delta h

The EU aims to have a net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) economy by 2050, with 55% reduction on 1990 levels by 2030. At present, heating and cooling represent over 50% of the final energy demand in Europe and are mainly supplied by fossil fuel derived energy. A challenge for decarbonizing heat systems is the size of the seasonal mismatch between supply and demand for heat and heat generation from sustainable sources. The potential of volatile renewable thermal energy sources can only be fully exploited through flexible management of heat supply networks and a wide range of different storage technologies. Mine thermal energy storage (MTES) systems could provide such a replicable and smart solution to counterbalance the seasonal dip and peak in the heating and cooling demand.

Up to this point only one high temperature MTES pilot plant (Bochum, Germany) has been established within the framework of the HEATSTORE project, in which the possibility of thermal energy storage in an abandoned colliery was tested.

The local district heating grid of the Ruhr University (RUB) is currently operated by two CHP modules with a total capacity of 9 MW and three peak boilers with a total thermal output of 105 MW. These are located within the RUB's technical centre. The abandoned Mansfeld colliery at a depth of approx. 120m is located directly below the premises of the power plant and is planned to be used as reservoir for heat storage. The Bochum MTES demo site within the PUSH-IT project will be established in conjunction with the RUB on the premises of their technical centre. This project will supplement surplus heat during the summer from a data centre with a peak load of 700 kW. In order to utilize this surplus heat during the winter, the abandoned Mansfeld colliery will be developed as a MTES via four wells (Q3/2024) into the different stone drifts of the colliery. Based on the results of the planned heat injection test, the wells will either serve as production/injection or monitoring boreholes.

The foreseen MTES system at the technical centre of the RUB could increase the amount of renewable energy sources (e.g. integration of surplus heat from a data center) and help to decrease the peak loads within the district heating grid. This would lead to a reduction in operating costs and CO2 emissions.

GIS based analysis of heat demand and subsurface potential of abandoned mining infrastructure in the Ruhr region, Germany

Kevin Mannke, Florian Hahn, René Verhoeven, Stefan Klein

Fraunhofer IEG, Germany

The Ruhr region, located in western Germany, is one of the largest metropolitan areas in Europe and has a long history of coal mining. Due to the need for an energy and heat transition away from fossil fuels towards renewable energies, the thermal reuse of existing mining infrastructures and the associated mine water offers a great geothermal potential that needs to be exploited. By combining surface heat demand with underground potential for heat supply and storage, the development of possible concepts for sustainable heat supply using mine water is optimized and streamlined.

The GIS-based analysis of the heat demand of the local supply area can be used to determine the spatial expansion phases of a district heating network as well as areas that are particularly lucrative from an economic point of view. By digitizing underground mining infrastructure from existing mine layouts, a better understanding for the underground structures can be gained and it is also possible to find the best access points to the mine gallery by means of drilling targets and to create the basis for thermal-hydraulic modelling.

The investigation of the heat demand for every single building shows the total heat demand within the supply area but also areas with higher or lower demand. This enables a precise design of networks and the associated concepts (cold local heating, central large-scale heat pump). With the help of the digitized underground mining infrastructures, it is possible to successfully integrate mine water as a heat source in the heating network. In addition to the possibility of intersecting heat demand and potential, digitization also offers many further advantages, such as the basis for thermal-hydraulic modelling and for 3D well path planning.

With almost 5.1 million inhabitants and 4400 square kilometers the Ruhr region, Europe's fourth largest metropolitan area, offers a large potential for the use of mine water in (local) heat network. The aim of the work is to design a workflow that can be used to plan and implement mine water-based district heating networks in the Ruhr region and to speed up the heat transition in North Rhine Westphalia, Germany.

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