Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Location: Seminar 1 (Room 1.01)
Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln Campus Vogelsanger Straße Vogelsanger Str. 295 50825 Cologne Germany
Date: Thursday, 22/Feb/2024
A1: Survey Methods Interventions 1
Location: Seminar 1 (Room 1.01)
Chair: Almuth Lietz, Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM), Germany

Providing Appreciative Feedback to Optimizing Respondents – Is Positive Feedback in Web Surveys Effective in Preventing Non-differentiation and Speeding?

Marek Fuchs, Anke Metzler

Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

Comparing various types of attention checks in web-based questionnaires: Experimental evidence from the German Internet Panel and the Swedish Citizen Panel

Joss Roßmann1, Sebastian Lundmark2, Henning Silber1, Tobias Gummer1

1: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany; 2: SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Evaluating methods to prevent and detect inattentive respondents in web surveys

Lukas Olbrich1,2, Joseph W. Sakshaug1,2,3, Eric Lewandowski4

1: Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Germany; 2: LMU Munich; 3: University of Mannheim; 4: NYU

A2: Mixing Survey Modes
Location: Seminar 1 (Room 1.01)
Chair: Jessica Daikeler, GESIS, Germany

Navigating the Digital Shift: Integrating Web in IAB (Panel) Surveys

Mackeben Jan

Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Germany

Effect of Incentives in a mixed-mode Survey of Movers

Manuela Schmidt

University of Bonn, Germany

Mode Matters Most, Or Does It? Investigating Mode Effects in Factorial Survey Experiments

Sophie Katharina Hensgen1, Alexander Patzina2, Joe Sakshaug1,3

1: Institute for Employment Research, Germany; 2: University of Bamberg, Germany; 3: Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany

A3.1: Solutions for Survey Nonresponse
Location: Seminar 1 (Room 1.01)
Chair: Oriol J. Bosch, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Does detailed information on IT-literacy help to explain nonresponse and design nonresponse adjustment weights in a probability-based online panel?

Barbara Felderer1, Jessica Herzing2

1: GESIS, Germany; 2: University of Bern

Youth Nonresponse in the Understanding Society Survey: Investigating the Impact of Life Events

Camilla Salvatore, Peter Lugtig, Bella Struminskaya

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Exploring incentive preferences in survey participation: How do socio-demographic factors and personal variables influence the choice of incentive?

Almuth Lietz, Jonas Köhler

Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM), Germany

A4.1: Innovation in Interviewing & Coding
Location: Seminar 1 (Room 1.01)
Chair: Jessica Donzowa, Max Planck Institute für demographische Forschung, Germany

Exploring effects of life-like virtual interviewers on respondents’ answers in a smartphone survey

Jan Karem Höhne1,2, Frederick G. Conrad3, Cornelia Neuert4, Joshua Claassen1

1: German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW); 2: Leibniz University Hannover; 3: University of Michigan; 4: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

API vs. human coder: Comparing the performance of speech-to-text transcription using voice answers from a smartphone survey

Jan Karem Höhne1,2, Timo Lenzner3

1: German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW); 2: Leibniz University Hannover; 3: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Can life-like virtual interviewers increase the response quality of open-ended questions?

Cornelia Neuert1, Jan Höhne2, Joshua Claaßen2

1: GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany; 2: DZHW; Leibniz University Hannover

Date: Friday, 23/Feb/2024
A5.1: Recruiting Survey Participants
Location: Seminar 1 (Room 1.01)
Chair: Olga Maslovskaya, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Recruiting online panel through face-to-face and push-to-web surveys.

Blanka Szeitl, Vera Messing, Ádám Stefkovics, Bence Ságvári

HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary

Initiating Chain-Referral for Virtual Respondent-Driven Sampling – A Pilot Study with Experiments

Carina Cornesse1,2, Mariel McKone Leonard3, Julia Witton1, Julian Axenfeld1, Jean-Yves Gerlitz2, Olaf Groh-Samberg2, Sabine Zinn1

1: German Institute for Economic Research; 2: University of Bremen; 3: German Center for Integration and Migration

A6.1: Questionnaire Design Choices
Location: Seminar 1 (Room 1.01)
Chair: Julian B. Axenfeld, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Germany

Grid design in mixed device surveys: an experiment comparing four grid designs in a general Dutch population survey.

Deirdre Giesen, Maaike Kompier, Jan van den Brakel

Statistics Netherlands, Netherlands, The

Towards a mobile web questionnaire for the Vacation Survey: UX design challenges

Vivian Meertens, Maaike Kompier

Statistics Netherlands, Netherlands, The

Optimising recall-based travel diaries: Lessons from the design of the Wales National Travel Survey

Eva Aizpurua, Peter Cornick, Shane Howe

National Centre for Social Research, United Kingdom

A7.1: Survey Methods Interventions 2
Location: Seminar 1 (Room 1.01)
Chair: Joss Roßmann, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany

Pushing older target persons to the web: Do we still need a paper questionnaire?

Jan-Lucas Schanze, Caroline Hahn, Oshrat Hochman

GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Germany

Clarification features in web surveys: Usage and impact of “on-demand” instructions

Patricia Hadler, Timo Lenzner, Ranjit K. Singh, Lukas Schick

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany