Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

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Session Overview
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)
Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln Campus Vogelsanger Straße Vogelsanger Str. 295 50825 Cologne Germany
Date: Wednesday, 21/Feb/2024
DGOF Members General Meeting
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)
Date: Thursday, 22/Feb/2024
GOR 24 Opening & Keynote I
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)

Digital monopolies: How Big Tech stole the internet - and how we can reclaim it

Martin Andree

AMP Digital Ventures, Germany

D1: Best Practice Cases
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)
Chair: Yannick Rieder, Janssen EMEA, Germany

Brave new world! How artificial intelligence is changing employee research at DHL.

Sven Slodowy1, Neslihan Ekinci2

1: (r)evolution GmbH, Germany; 2: DHL Group

D2: Innovation in Practice: LLMs and more ...
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)
Chair: Stefan Oglesby, data IQ AG, Switzerland

Beyond Reports: Maximizing Customer Segmentation Impact with AI-Driven Persona Conversations

Theo Gerstenmaier, Kristina Schmidtel

Factworks, Germany

How good are conversational agents for online qualitative research?

Denis Bonnay1, Orkan Dolay2, Merja Daoud2

1: Université Paris Nanterre, France; 2: Bilendi

Smartphone app-based mobility research

Beat Fischer

intervista AG, Switzerland

P 1.1: Postersession
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)

Fear in the Digital Age – How Nomophobia together with FoMO and extensive smartphone use lowers social and psychological wellbeing

Christian Bosau, Paula Merkel

Rheinische Fachhochschule gGmbH (RFH), Germany

Is less really more? The Impact of Survey Frequency on Participation and Response Behaviour in an Online Panel Survey

Johann Carstensen, Sebastian Lang, Heiko Quast

German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), Germany

P 1.2: Postersession
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)

Digitalisation: Catalyzing the Transition to a Circular Economy in Ukraine

Tetiana Gorokhova

Centre for Advanced Internet Studies, Germany

Device use in a face-to-face recruited neighborhood survey.

Yfke Ongena, Marieke Haan

University of Groningen, Netherlands, The

P 1.3: Postersession
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)

Long Term Attrition and Sample Composition Over Time: 11 Years of the German Internet Panel

Tobias Rettig, Anne Balz

University of Mannheim, Germany

SampcompR: A new R-Package for Sample Comparisons and Bias Analyses

Björn Rohr, Henning Silber, Barbara Felderer

GESIS - Leibnitz Institute for Social Sciences, Germany

P 1.4: Postersession
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)

Ask a Llama - Creating variance in synthetic survey data

Matthias Roth

GESIS-Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften in Mannheim, Germany

To Share or Not to Share? Analyzing Survey Responses on Smartphone Sensor Data Sharing through Text Mining.

Marc Smeets, Vivian Meertens, Jeldrik Bakker

Statistics Netherlands, Netherlands, The

P 1.5: Postersession
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)

The AI Reviewer: Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models in Scientific Research Evaluation

Dorian Tsolak, Zaza Zindel, Simon Kühne

Bielefeld University, Germany

Can socially desirable responding be reduced with unipolar response scales?

Vaka Vésteinsdóttir, Haukur Freyr Gylfason

University of Iceland, Iceland

D3: Virtual Respondents and Audiences - Is This the Future of Survey Research? (organised by
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)
Chair: Holger Geissler,, Germany

Dirk Held, Co-Founder & Managing Director of DECODE Marketing and Co-Founder of Aimpower
Louise Leitsch, Director Research of Appinio
Frank Buckler, Founder & CEO of Success Drivers & Supra Tools
Florian Kögl, Founder & CEO of ReDem
D4: Wissenschaft trifft Praxis. Wann ist eine Online-Stichprobe gut für welchen Bedarf.
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)
Chair: Otto Hellwig, Bilendi & respondi, Germany

Impulse von:
Dr. Carina Cornesse (German Institute for Economic Research, Germany & DGOF Vorstand)
Menno Smid (Vorstandsvorsitzender (CEO) bei Infas Holding AG)

Weitere Diskutanten:
Beate Waibel-Flanz (Business Insights - Market research Manager bei REWE GROUP & stellv. Sprecherin des BVM Regionalrates)
Dr. Barbara Felderer (Teamleiterin Survey Design & Methodology Survey Statistics bei Gesis)

Wann ist eine Stichprobe “fit-for-purpose”?

Carina Cornesse

German Institute for Economic Research, Germany

Date: Friday, 23/Feb/2024
Keynote 2: Keynote 2
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)

Data collection using mobile apps: What can we do to increase participation?

Annette Jäckle

University of Essex, United Kingdom

D5: KI Forum: Impuls-Session - Chancen und Regulierungen
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)

Session Moderators:
Oliver Tabino, Q Agentur für Forschung
Yannick Rieder, Janssen-Cilag GmbH
Georg Wittenburg, Inspirient

This session is in German.

EU AI Act: Innovationsmotor oder Innovationsbremse?

Alessandro Blank

KI Bundesverband, Germany

Das Potential von Foundation Models und Generativer KI – Ein Blick in die Zukunft

Sven Giesselbach

IAIS, Germany

D6: KI Forum: KI Café
Location: Auditorium (Room 0.09/0.10/0.11)

Session Moderators:
Oliver Tabino, Q Agentur für Forschung
Yannick Rieder, Janssen-Cilag GmbH
Georg Wittenburg, Inspirient

This session is in German.

Moderierter Austausch zu folgenden Themen:

• Messbare Qualität von KI-Tools ist Grundlage für Vertrauen und Voraussetzung für den betrieblichen Einsatz, aber welche Qualitätskriterien haben sich bewährt? Wie können sie erfasst und verglichen werden?
• Wie implementiert man KI-Anwendungen in Prozesse? Wobei ist die Nutzung bereits etabliert? Was gibt es dabei zu beachten?
• KI und Ethik: Was geht und was nicht?

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