Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

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Session Overview
Location: Seminar 2 (Room 1.02)
Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln Campus Vogelsanger Straße Vogelsanger Str. 295 50825 Cologne Germany
Date: Wednesday, 21/Feb/2024
Workshop 1
Location: Seminar 2 (Room 1.02)
Chair: Lisa de Vries, Bielefeld University, Germany
Chair: Zaza Zindel, Bielefeld University, Germany

Embracing Diversity: Integrating Queer Perspectives in Online Survey Research

Zaza Zindel, Lisa de Vries

Bielefeld University, Germany

Workshop 5
Location: Seminar 2 (Room 1.02)
Chair: Ludger Kesting, Tivian, Germany

Flexible Text Categorisation in Practice: Using AI Models to Analyse Open-Ended Survey Responses

Ludger Kesting

Tivian, Germany

Date: Thursday, 22/Feb/2024
T1: GOR Thesis Award 2024 Competition: Bachelor/Master
Location: Seminar 2 (Room 1.02)
Chair: Olaf Wenzel, Wenzel Marktforschung, Germany

Fair Sampling for Global Ranking Recovery

Georg Ahnert

University of Mannheim, Germany

Understanding the Mobile Consumer along the Customer Journey: A Behavioural Data Analysis based on Smartphone Sensing Technology

Isabelle Halscheid1,2

1: Technische Hochschule Köln, Germany; 2: Murmuras GmbH, Germany

Effects of active and passive use on subjective well-being of users of professional networks

Constanze Roeger

TH Köln, Germany

T2: GOR Thesis Award 2024 Competition: PhD
Location: Seminar 2 (Room 1.02)
Chair: Olaf Wenzel, Wenzel Marktforschung, Germany

Challenging the Gold Standard: A Methodological Study of the Quality and Errors of Web Tracking Data

Oriol J. Bosch1,2,3

1: University of Oxford, United Kingdom; 2: The London School of Economics, United Kingdom; 3: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

The Language of Emotions: Smartphone-Based Sentiment Analysis

Timo Koch1,2

1: University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; 2: LMU Munich

Imputation of missing data from split questionnaire designs in social surveys

Julian B. Axenfeld

German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Germany

Essays on Inference for Non-probability Samples and Survey Data Integration

Camilla Salvatore

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

B3: The Power of Social Media Data
Location: Seminar 2 (Room 1.02)
Chair: Ádám Stefkovics, HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary

Bridging Survey and Twitter Data: Understanding the Sources of Differences

Josh Pasek1, Lisa Singh2, Trivellore Raghunathan1, Ceren Budak1, Michael Jackson3, Jessica Stapleton3, Leticia Bode2, Le Bao2, Michael Traugott1, Nathan Wycoff2, Yanchen Wang2

1: University of Michigan, United States of America; 2: Georgetown University, United States of America; 3: SSRS, United States of America

Physical Proximity and Digital Connections: The Impact of Geographic Location on Twitter User Interaction

Long Nguyen1, Zoran Kovacevic2

1: Bielefeld University; 2: ETH Zürich

Gender (self-)portrayal and stereotypes on TikTok

Dorian Tsolak1,2,3, Stefan Knauff1,2,3, Long H. Nguyen1,2, Rian Hedayet Zaman1, Jonas Möller1, Yasir Ammar Mohammed1, Ceren Tüfekçi1

1: Bielefeld University, Germany; 2: Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology, Bielefeld; 3: Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence, Bielefeld

B4: Willingness to participate in passive data collection studies
Location: Seminar 2 (Room 1.02)
Chair: Johannes Volk, Destatis - Federal Statistical Office Germany, Germany

The influence of conditional and unconditional incentives on the willingness to participate in web tracking studies

Judith Gilsbach, Joachim Piepenburg, Frank Mangold, Sebastian Stier, Bernd Weiss

GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany

Intentions vs. Reality. Validating Willingness to Participate Measures in Vignette Experiments Using Real-World Participation Data

Ádám Stefkovics1,2,3, Zoltán Kmetty1,4

1: HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary; 2: IQSS, Harvard University; 3: Századvég Foundation; 4: Eötvös Loránd University

Who is willing to participate in an app- or web-based travel diary study?

Danielle Remmerswaal1,2, Barry Schouten1,2, Peter Lugtig1, Bella Struminskaya1

1: Utrecht University; 2: Statistics Netherlands

Date: Friday, 23/Feb/2024
B5: To Trace or to Donate, That’s the Question
Location: Seminar 2 (Room 1.02)
Chair: Alexander Wenz, University of Mannheim, Germany

Exploring the Viability of Data Donations for WhatsApp Chat Logs

Julian Kohne1,2, Christian Montag2

1: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences; 2: Ulm University

The Mix Makes the Difference: Using Mobile Sensing Data to Foster the Understanding of Non-Compliance in Experience Sampling Studies

Ramona Schoedel1,2, Thomas Reiter2

1: Charlotte Fresenius Hochschule, University of Psychology, Germany; 2: LMU Munich, Department of Psychology

B6.1: Automatic analysis of answers to open-ended questions in surveys
Location: Seminar 2 (Room 1.02)
Chair: Barbara Felderer, GESIS, Germany

Using the Large Language Model BERT to categorize open-ended responses to the "most important political problem" in the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES)

Julia Susanne Weiß, Jan Marquardt

GESIS, Germany

The Genesis of Systematic Analysis Methods Using AI: An Explorative Case Study

Stephanie Gaaw, Cathleen M. Stuetzer, Maznev Petko

TU Dresden, Germany

Insights from the Hypersphere - Embedding Analytics in Market Research

Lars Schmedeke, Tamara Keßler

SPLENDID Research, Germany

B7: Mobile Apps and Sensors
Location: Seminar 2 (Room 1.02)
Chair: Ramona Schoedel, Charlotte Fresenius Hochschule, University of Psychology, Germany

Mechanisms of Participation in Smartphone App Data Collection: A Research Synthesis

Wai Tak Tung, Alexander Wenz

University of Mannheim

“The value of privacy is not as high as finding my person”: Self-disclosure practices on dating apps illustrate an existential dilemma for data protection

Lusine Petrosyan, Grant Blank

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Money or Motivation? Decision Criteria to participate in Smart Surveys

Johannes Volk, Lasse Häufglöckner

Destatis - Federal Statistical Office Germany, Germany

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