Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Date: Monday, 18/Mar/2024
Registration: Registration
Location: G22 Foyer
PreGAMM: How to GAMM
Location: G22/020
Opening: Opening
Location: G26/H1
PML: Prandtl Memorial Lecture: Laurette Tuckerman (Sorbonne U)
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Dominique Thévenin
PL1: "Nonlocal interaction problems with anisotropy" Maria Giovanna Mora (U Pavia)
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Sergio Conti
Coffee Break
YRM1: Mechanics and Mathematics of Sea Ice
Location: G22/020
Chair: Carolin Mehlmann
YRM2: Dynamical low-rank approximation
Location: G22/013
Chair: Dominik Sulz
Chair: Jonas Kusch
YRM3: Dynamical Systems: Discretization, model reduction and learning
Location: G22/H2
Chair: Idoia Cortes Garcia
Chair: Katharina Klioba
Chair: Manuel Schaller
YRM4: Model update and parameter identification
Location: G16/H5
Chair: Alexander Henkes
Chair: Henning Wessels
YRM5: Computational Mechanics of Active Biological Systems
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Lena Lambers
Chair: Sebastian Brandstäter
Welcome Reception: Welcome Reception
Location: Johanniskirche
Date: Tuesday, 19/Mar/2024
S02.01: Bone and aneurysms
Location: G22/111
Chair: Kevin Linka
S03.01: Damage and fracture mechanics 1
Location: G22/013
Chair: Tim Brepols
S04.01: Various topics in Structural mechanics
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Sven Klinkel
S05.01: Oscillations (1)
Location: G22/217
Chair: Merten Stender
Focus: Experimental Aspects
S06.2.01: Various topics in Material modelling with non-metals
Location: G16/H5
Chair: Loredana Kehrer
Chair: Alexander Lion
S07.01: Phase-field models
Location: G16/215
Chair: Maximilian Reichel
Chair: Andreas Krischok
S08.01: Material Modeling
Location: G16/054
Chair: Lisa Scheunemann
S09.01: Various topics in Laminar flows and transition
Location: G22/216
Chair: Olaf Wünsch
S14.01: Various topics in Applied analysis
Location: G22/218
Chair: Patrik Knopf
S15.01: Applications of UQ
Location: G22/105
Chair: Kerstin Lux-Gottschalk
S16.01: Topology Optimization I
Location: G22/110
Chair: Christian Kahle
Chair: Evelyn Herberg
S18.01: Discontinuous Galerkin and Software
Location: G22/020
Chair: Christian Wieners
S19.01: Various topics in Optimization of Differential Equations (1)
Location: G22/211
Chair: Hannes Meinlschmidt
Chair: Anne-Therese Rauls-Ehlert
S20.01: Optimal control
Location: G22/122
Chair: Kathrin Flaßkamp
Chair: Victoria Grushkovskaya
S21.01: Mathematical Signal and Image Processing (Part I)
Location: G22/208
Chair: Anne Wald
Chair: Johannes Maly
S22.01: Various topics in Scientific computing
Location: G22/120
Chair: Martin Stoll
S25.01: Various topics in Computational and mathematical methods in data science
Location: G22/H2
Chair: Max Pfeffer
S26.01: Embedding and correlated methods
Location: G22/209
Chair: Benjamin Stamm
Chair: Gero Friesecke
Coffee Break
PL2: "Contributions of 4D imaging in mechanics of materials" François Hild (ENS Paris-Saclay)
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Stefan Hartmann
PL3: "Nonlinear manifold approximations for reduced-order modeling of nonlinear systems" Karen E. Willcox (UT Austin)
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Heike Faßbender
Lunch Break
DFG-GRK 2297: Research Training Group Mathematical Complexity Reduction
Location: G22/020
Chair: Jan Heiland
Chair: Feliks Nüske
Chair: Thomas Richter
Different concepts of complexity reduction will be presented, spanning from model order reduction over adaptive numerical schemes to refined sparsity exploiting approaches to polynomial optimization.
DFG-PP 2256: Variational Methods for Predicting Complex Phenomena in Engineering Structures and Materials
Location: G22/H2
Chair: Georg Dolzmann
DFG-PP 2298: Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning
Location: G22/013
Chair: Laura Thesing
Chair: Gitta Kutyniok
DFG-PP 2311: Robust coupling of continuum-biomechanical in sili-co models to establish active biological system models for later use in clinical applications - Co-design of modeling, numerics and usability
Location: G16/H5
Chair: Tim Ricken
Chair: Oliver Röhrle
Chair: Silvia Budday
DFG-PP 2353: Daring More Intelligence – Design Assistants in Mechanics and Dynamics
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Peter Eberhard
Chair: Dieter Bestle
DFG-PP 2410: Hyperbolic Balance Laws in Fluid Mechanics: Complexity, Scales, Randomness
Location: G16/215
Chair: Christian Rohde
Nonlinear hyperbolic balance laws are ubiquitous in the modelling of fluidmechanical processes. They enable the development of powerful numerical simulation methods that back decision-making for critical applications such as in-silico aircraft design or climate change research. However, fundamental questions about distinctive hyperbolic features remain open including the multi-scale interference...
MS1: Distributed Control and Optimization: Theory and Applications
Location: G22/105
Chair: Henrik Ebel
Chair: Kathrin Flaßkamp
MS2: Hierarchical Modeling in Computational Engineering
Location: G22/110
Chair: Jan Giesselmann
Chair: Julia Kowalski
Chair: Manuel Torrilhon
MS3: Matrix Nearness Problems and Applications
Location: G22/111
Chair: Matthias Voigt
Chair: Tim Mitchell
MS4: Kernel Methods in Data Analysis and Computational Science
Location: G22/112
Chair: Jochen Garcke
Chair: André Uschmajew
MS5: Free boundary problems in the sciences: PDE analysis and modeling
Location: G22/120
Chair: Greta Marino
Chair: Sebastian Hensel
Coffee Break
Poster1: Poster Session 1
Location: G22 Floor
S02.02: Constitutive modeling
Location: G22/111
Chair: Daniel Balzani
S03.02: Damage and fracture mechanics 2
Location: G22/013
Chair: Sergey Kozinov
S04.02: Various topics in Structural mechanics
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Wolfgang Dornisch
S05.02: Oscillations (2)
Location: G22/217
Chair: Merten Stender
Focus: Data-Driven Approaches
S06.2.02: Various topics in Material modelling with non-metals
Location: G16/H5
Chair: Jaan-Willem Simon
Chair: Alexander Lion
S07.02: Laser beam welding
Location: G16/215
Chair: Lisa Scheunemann
Chair: Andrey Gumenyuk
S08.02: Microstructure
Location: G16/054
Chair: Johanna Waimann
S13.01: Flow control (vehicles and drag reduction)
Location: G22/216
Chair: Jan Heiland
Chair: Sebastian Peitz
S14.02: Calculus of variations and elasticity
Location: G22/218
Chair: Jörg Weber
S15.02: Applications of UQ
Location: G22/105
Chair: Andrea Barth
S16.02: Topology Optimization II
Location: G22/110
Chair: Christian Kahle
Chair: Evelyn Herberg
S18.02: Nonlinear and port-Hamiltonian systems
Location: G22/020
Chair: Philip Freese
S19.02: Various topics in Optimization of Differential Equations (2)
Location: G22/211
Chair: Hannes Meinlschmidt
Chair: Anne-Therese Rauls-Ehlert
S20.02: Modelling & identification
Location: G22/122
Chair: Robert Eberle
Chair: Mieczyslaw Sylwester KUCZMA
S21.02: Mathematical Signal and Image Processing (Part II)
Location: G22/208
Chair: Anne Wald
Chair: Johannes Maly
S22.02: Various topics in Scientific computing
Location: G22/120
Chair: Silke Glas
S24.01: History of applied mathematics and mechanics
Location: G22/112
Chair: Holm Altenbach
Chair: Otto Timme Bruhns
S25.02: Various topics in Computational and mathematical methods in data science
Location: G22/H2
Chair: Franziska Nestler
S26.02: Solvation models and Molecular Dynamis
Location: G22/209
Chair: Feliks Nüske
Chair: Sebastian Matera
Public Lecture: Vakuum und Luftdruck – Otto von Guericke und die wissenschaftliche Revolution im 17. Jahrhundert (P. Streitenberger)
Location: G16/H5
Date: Wednesday, 20/Mar/2024
S02.03: Multi-body dynamics
Location: G22/111
Chair: Elmar Woschke
S04.03: Various topics in Structural mechanics
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Oliver Weeger
Chair: Sven Klinkel
S06.1.01: Various topics in Material modelling with metals
Location: G16/H5
Chair: Patrick Kurzeja
Chair: Jörn Mosler
S07.03: Laser beam welding
Location: G16/215
Chair: Lisa Scheunemann
Chair: Daniel Schneider
S08.03: Model Order Reduction
Location: G16/054
Chair: Sonja Hellebrand
S10.01: Various topics in Turbulence and reactive flows
Location: G22/216
Chair: Gabor Janiga
S14.03: Various topics in Applied analysis
Location: G22/218
Chair: Patrik Knopf
S15.03: UQ - Multilevel sampling
Location: G22/105
Chair: Kerstin Lux-Gottschalk
S16.03: Nonsmooth Problems I
Location: G22/110
Chair: Evelyn Herberg
Chair: Christian Kahle
S18.03: Application in mechanics
Location: G22/020
Chair: Christian Wieners
S19.03: Sparsity and nonsmooth regularization in Optimization of Differential Equations
Location: G22/211
Chair: Hannes Meinlschmidt
Chair: Anne-Therese Rauls-Ehlert
S20.03: System analysis
Location: G22/122
Chair: Alexander Zuyev
Chair: Klaus Röbenack
S21.03: Mathematical Signal and Image Processing (Part III)
Location: G22/208
Chair: Johannes Maly
Chair: Anne Wald
S22.03: Various topics in Scientific computing
Location: G22/120
Chair: Andrea Walther
S25.03: Various topics in Computational and mathematical methods in data science
Location: G22/H2
Chair: Sebastian Neumayer
S26.03: Various topics
Location: G22/209
Chair: Sebastian Matera
Chair: Gero Friesecke
Coffee Break
Poster2: Poster Session 2
Location: G22 Floor
RvML: Richard von Mises Prize Lectures: Patrik Knopf (U Regensburg); Marco Salvalaglio (TU Dresden)
Location: G26/H1
General Assembly: GAMM General Assembly
Location: G26/H1
DEKOMECH: "Deutsches Komitee für Mechanik"
Location: G22/203
Lunch Break
NIAM: Network for Industrial and Applied Mathematics General Assembly
Location: G26/H1
YAMM Lunch: YAMM Lunch
Location: Mensa, upper floor
S02.04: Mechanical testing and parameters
Location: G22/111
Chair: Jianye Shi
S03.03: Damage and fracture mechanics 3
Location: G22/013
Chair: Steffen Gerke
S04.04: Various topics in Structural mechanics
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Thomas-Peter Fries
S05.03: Oscillations (3)
Location: G22/217
Chair: Merten Stender
Focus: Numerical Simulations
S06.1.02: Various topics in Material modelling with metals
Location: G16/H5
Chair: Patrick Kurzeja
Chair: Jörn Mosler
S07.04: Phase-field models, Porous media
Location: G16/215
Chair: Ralf Jänicke
Chair: Tim Ricken
S08.04: Machine Learning
Location: G16/054
Chair: Richard Ostwald
S10.02: Various topics in Turbulence and reactive flows
Location: G22/216
Chair: Gabor Janiga
S12.01: Waves and Acoustics
Location: G22/112
Chair: Natalie Rauter
Chair: Wolfgang Weber
S14.04: Phase-field models
Location: G22/218
Chair: Harald Garcke
S15.04: UQ and dynamical systems
Location: G22/105
Chair: Lorenzo Tamellini
S16.04: Shape and Topology Optimization
Location: G22/110
Chair: Evelyn Herberg
Chair: Christian Kahle
S18.04: Structure preserving methods
Location: G22/020
Chair: Christian Wieners
S19.04: Control, feedback and stabilization in Optimization of Differential Equations
Location: G22/211
Chair: Hannes Meinlschmidt
Chair: Anne-Therese Rauls-Ehlert
S20.04: Data-based methods & learning
Location: G22/122
Chair: Friedrich Philipp
Chair: Amine Othmane
S21.04: Mathematical Signal and Image Processing (Part IV)
Location: G22/208
Chair: Johannes Maly
Chair: Anne Wald
S22.04: Various topics in Scientific computing
Location: G22/120
Chair: Andrea Walther
S25.04: Various topics in Computational and mathematical methods in data science
Location: G22/H2
Chair: André Uschmajew
S26.04: Tensor methods and DMRG
Location: G22/209
Chair: Reinhold Schneider
Chair: Michael Herbst
Coffee Break
S01.01: in Focus SPP 2353: Daring More Intelligence – Design Assistants in Mechanics and Dynamics
Location: G22/217
Chair: Peter Eberhard
S02.05: Brain
Location: G22/111
Chair: Silvia Budday
S03.04: Damage and fracture mechanics 4
Location: G22/013
Chair: Bjoern Kiefer
S04.05: Various topics in Structural mechanics
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Kerstin Weinberg
Chair: Tim Ricken
S06.2.03: Various topics in Material modelling with non-metals
Location: G16/H5
Chair: Hagen Holthusen
Chair: Loredana Kehrer
S07.05: Porous media, Thermomechanical problems
Location: G16/215
Chair: Lars Radtke
Chair: Seyed Farhad Hosseini
S08.05: Interfaces/Size Effects/Higher-Order Continua
Location: G16/054
Chair: Knut Andreas Meyer
S11.01: Interfacial Transport, Mass Transfer and Flow Instabilities
Location: G22/216
Chair: Mathis Fricke
Chair: Tomislav Maric
S12.02: Waves and Acoustics
Location: G22/112
Chair: Wolfgang Weber
Chair: Natalie Rauter
S14.05: PDEs related to fluid mechanics
Location: G22/218
Chair: Xian Liao
S15.05: Methodologies for forward UQ
Location: G22/105
Chair: Andrea Barth
S16.05: Nonsmooth Problems II
Location: G22/110
Chair: Evelyn Herberg
Chair: Christian Kahle
S17.01: Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra
Location: G22/208
Chair: Kathryn Lund
S18.05: Solvers
Location: G22/020
Chair: Christian Wieners
S19.05: Shape and topology optimization in Optimization of Differential Equations (1)
Location: G22/211
Chair: Hannes Meinlschmidt
Chair: Anne-Therese Rauls-Ehlert
S20.05: Data-based methods & learning
Location: G22/122
Chair: Katharina Bieker
Chair: Lukas Lanza
S25.05: Various topics in Computational and mathematical methods in data science
Location: G22/H2
Chair: Max Pfeffer
S26.05: Eigenvalue problems and Gross-Pitaevskii equation
Location: G22/209
Chair: Sebastian Matera
Chair: Feliks Nüske
Conference Dinner: Conference Dinner
Location: Festung Mark
Date: Thursday, 21/Mar/2024
S01.02: Robotic Applications
Location: G22/217
Chair: Tamara Nestorovic
S02.06: Arterial and cardiac mechanics
Location: G22/111
Chair: Justyna Anna Niestrawska
S03.05: Damage and fracture mechanics 5
Location: G22/013
Chair: Stefan Löhnert
S04.06: Various topics in Structural mechanics
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Steffen Freitag
Chair: Okyay Altay
S06.2.04: Various topics in Material modelling with non-metals
Location: G16/H5
Chair: Matthias Bohnen
Chair: Loredana Kehrer
S07.06: Chemo-/thermo-/hygro-/electro/-mechanical coupling
Location: G16/215
Chair: Sonja Hellebrand
Chair: Dominik Brands
S08.06: Machine Learning/TFA/Mean-Field
Location: G16/054
Chair: Stephan Wulfinghoff
S11.02: Analytical and Numerical Methods for Two-Phase Flows
Location: G22/216
Chair: Mathis Fricke
Chair: Kohei Soga
Chair: Tomislav Maric
S14.06: Hyperbolic PDEs
Location: G22/218
Chair: Xian Liao
S15.06: UQ - Sampling and rare events estimation
Location: G22/105
Chair: Lorenzo Tamellini
S17.02: Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra
Location: G22/208
Chair: Kathryn Lund
S18.06: Adaptive methods
Location: G22/020
Chair: Philip Freese
S19.06: Numerical analysis and parameter identification in Optimization of Differential Equations
Location: G22/211
Chair: Hannes Meinlschmidt
Chair: Anne-Therese Rauls-Ehlert
S20.06: Nonlinear control
Location: G22/122
Chair: Thomas Berger
Chair: Jan Heiland
S23.01: Applied Operator Theory 1
Location: G22/112
Chair: Amru Hussein
Chair: Martin Grothaus
S25.06: Various topics in Computational and mathematical methods in data science
Location: G22/H2
Chair: Martin Stoll
S26.06: Transport, dynamics and learning
Location: G22/209
Chair: Michael Herbst
Chair: Benjamin Stamm
Coffee Break
PL4: "Dynamics and control of aerial manipulation" Michael Beitelschmidt (TU Dresden)
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Peter Eberhard
PL5: "Conquering the quantum world: old problems and new challenges for the applied mathematics community" Eric Cancès (École des Ponts Paris)
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Gero Friesecke
GAMM-Rep: Internes Treffen der lokalen GAMM-Repräsentant*innen
Location: G05/205 - Senate Room
Lunch Break
S01.03: Dynamics and Multibody Systems – Fundamentals and Application
Location: G22/217
Chair: Tamara Nestorovic
Chair: Fabian Schmidtchen
S02.07: Multi-scale modeling
Location: G22/111
Chair: Lena Lambers
S03.06: Damage and fracture mechanics 6
Location: G22/013
Chair: Andreas Ricoeur
S04.07: Various topics in Structural mechanics
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Andreas Zilian
Chair: Stephan Wulfinghoff
S06.1.03: Various topics in Material modelling with metals
Location: G16/H5
Chair: Alexander Niehüser
S07.07: Magnetic/ferrorelectric/dielectric/piezoelectric materials
Location: G16/215
Chair: Matthias Graf
Chair: Klaus Hackl
S08.07: FFT and Solver
Location: G16/054
Chair: Johanna Waimann
S11.03: Viscoelastic Flows, Mixture Flows and Contact Line Dynamics
Location: G22/216
Chair: Mathis Fricke
Chair: Tomislav Maric
S14.07: Various topics in Applied analysis
Location: G22/218
Chair: Markus Schmidtchen
S17.03: Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra
Location: G22/208
Chair: Davide Palitta
S18.07: Time discretisation
Location: G22/020
Chair: Philip Freese
S19.07: Shape and topology optimization in Optimization of Differential Equations (2)
Location: G22/211
Chair: Hannes Meinlschmidt
Chair: Anne-Therese Rauls-Ehlert
S20.07: Control of distributed-parameter systems
Location: G22/122
Chair: Klaus Röbenack
Chair: Abdurrahman Irscheid
S23.02: Applied Operator Theory 2
Location: G22/112
Chair: Martin Grothaus
Chair: Amru Hussein
S25.07: Various topics in Computational and mathematical methods in data science
Location: G22/H2
Chair: Franziska Nestler
S26.07: Various Topics
Location: G22/209
Chair: Muhammad Hassan
Chair: Reinhold Schneider
Coffee Break
PL6: "Dynamic fracture simulations with peridynamics and phase-field fracture" Kerstin Weinberg (U Siegen)
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Stefanie Reese
S01.04: Dynamic and Mechatronic Systems – Modelling, Simulation, Control
Location: G22/217
Chair: Amit Kumar Pal
Chair: Atta Oveisi
S04.08: Various topics in Structural mechanics
Location: G26/H1
Chair: André Hürkamp
Chair: Steffen Freitag
S06.1.04: Various topics in Material modelling with metals
Location: G16/H5
Chair: Stefan Prüger
Chair: Jörn Mosler
S06.2.05: Various topics in Material modelling with non-metals
Location: G22/013
Chair: Nicolas Christ
Chair: Alexander Lion
S07.08.1: Magnetic/ferrorelectric/dielectric/piezoelectric materials
Location: G16/215
Chair: Maximilian Reichel
Chair: Bjoern Kiefer
S07.08.2: Fluid-structure interaction
Location: G22/H2
Chair: Dominik Brands
Chair: Sonja Hellebrand
S08.08: Advanced Numerical and Experimental Techniques
Location: G16/054
Chair: Fadi Aldakheel
S18.08: Multiscale methods
Location: G22/020
Chair: Philip Freese
S20.08: System analysis
Location: G22/122
Chair: Yevgeniia Yevgenieva
Chair: Daniel Gerbet
Date: Friday, 22/Mar/2024
S01.05: Modelling and Simulation of Dynamic Multibody Systems
Location: G22/217
Chair: Amit Kumar Pal
Chair: Atta Oveisi
S02.08: Mechanobiology
Location: G22/111
Chair: Kian Abdolazizi
S03.07: Damage and fracture mechanics 7
Location: G22/013
Chair: Fadi Aldakheel
S04.09: Various topics in Structural mechanics
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Christina Völlmecke
S06.2.06: Various topics in Material modelling with non-metals
Location: G16/H5
Chair: Daniel Juhre
Chair: Alexander Lion
S07.09.1: Magnetic/ferrorelectric/dielectric/piezoelectric materials, Coupled flow problems
Location: G16/215
Chair: Stefan Hartmann
Chair: Jörg Schröder
S07.09.2: Coupling strategies
Location: G22/H2
Chair: Lars Radtke
Chair: Alexander Düster
S08.09: Material Modeling
Location: G16/054
Chair: Kai Langenfeld
S13.02: Flow control (turbulence and reduced-order modelling)
Location: G22/216
Chair: Marten Klein
Chair: Jan Heiland
S17.04: Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra
Location: G22/208
Chair: Davide Palitta
S18.09: Finite elements
Location: G22/020
Chair: Christian Wieners
S20.09: Model order reduction
Location: G22/122
Chair: Volker Mehrmann
Chair: Ion Victor Gosea
Coffee Break
PL7: "Solving massive combinatorial optimization problems with PDE constraints" Sven Leyffer (Argonne National Labs)
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Andrea Walther
PL8: "Mixed-initiative engineering design" Stefanie Elgeti (TU Vienna)
Location: G26/H1
Chair: Julia Kowalski
Closing: Closing
Location: G26/H1

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