Conference Agenda

S15.06: UQ - Sampling and rare events estimation
Thursday, 21/Mar/2024:
8:30am - 10:30am

Session Chair: Lorenzo Tamellini
Location: G22/105

Conference Room 105 in Building 22; size: 40

8:30am - 9:10am

Consensus-Based Rare Event Estimation

E. Ullmann

Technical University of Munich

9:10am - 9:30am

Computing upper probabilities of failure using optimization algorithms together with importance sampling.

T. Fetz, M. Oberguggenberger

University of Innsbruck

9:30am - 9:50am

Probabilistic microstructural modelling of the failure initiation process in cast iron

C. Beckmann, B. Rohrmüller, M. Schober, J. Tlatlik, I. Varfolomeev, J. Hohe

Fraunhofer IWM

9:50am - 10:10am

Less interaction with forward models in Langevin dynamics: Enrichment and Homotopy

M. Eigel1, R. Gruhlke2, D. Sommer1

1Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics; 2FU Berlin

10:10am - 10:30am

Modelling Distributions with Wasserstein Proximal methods and Low-Rank Tensor Decompositions

V. Aksenov, M. Eigel

Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics