Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).
Session Overview |
Date: Wednesday, 06/Nov/2024 | |||
8:30am | Registration & Welcome |
9:30am | D1am1.1 Location: Louis Armand Clinic Enhancing Skills Literacy Skills IQ, Australia |
D1am1.2 Location: George Stephenson |
D1am1.3 Location: Room 203 Do it! (workshop) Le Domicile, Territoire de Compétence et de Reconnaissance UNIVERSITE DU DOMICILE, France |
10:15am | Sessions break |
10:20am | D1am2.1 Location: Louis Armand Do it! (workshop) Human-centric Open Recognition: Synthesis, Mapping, and Badge Creation Using AI Tools We Are Open Co-op, United Kingdom |
D1am2.2 Location: George Stephenson Do it! (workshop) How Can Digital Credentials Transform Vocational Education and Training (VET): The BREVET story 1: Reconnaître - Open Recognition Alliance, France; 2: Web2Learn; 3: Ministère de l'Education du Luxembourg |
D1am2.3 Location: Room 203 Do it! (workshop) Joueurs et compétents 1: Labo CIBC, France; 2: Coorace Normandie, France |
11:05am | Coffee break & warm up |
11:25am | D1am3.1 Location: Louis Armand Clinic Untangling the Complexity 1: 1Edtech; 2: Edalex |
D1am3.2 Location: George Stephenson Share (presentation) Micro Credentials as part of a First Year Experience to increase Student Retention in an EMI İzmir University of Economics, Turkiye Clinic Building an Eco-System for Micro-Credentials in Türkiye Izmir University of Economics, Turkiye |
D1am3.3 Location: Room 203 |
12:10pm | Sessions break |
12:15pm | Digital credentials technologies : what futures? Location: Louis Armand Chair: Joanne Duklas During this panel discussion, we will explore the technical conditions for digital credentails to scale-up and create an open infrastructure for recognition: standards, iinteroperability, dentity, etc. After the panelists' discussions, participants will be invited to join the panel. Explore (panel) Exploring Interoperability Models that advance Recognition and Trust in Lifelong Learning Groningen Declaration Network, Canada |
1:00pm | Lunch |
2:00pm | Opening Keynote: Open and Inclusive Recognition: Challenge and Hope in Regulated and Unregulated Occupations Location: Louis Armand Chair: Don Presant André Gariépy, Commissioner for Admission to Professions, Government of Québec. This keynote will discuss the traditional posture of the regulatory world, but also innovation that is emerging in this environment with regards to recognition. It will present a vision that starts from the reality of what individuals are, the context and community of practise in which they become and stay competent, and the various forms of recognition, traditional and emerging, which can be combined and complement each other. |
2:45pm | Paris Declaration: The Equality of Informal and Formal Recognition Location: Louis Armand Chair: Serge Ravet Chair: Don Presant Panel participants:
With the publication of the Paris Declaration on the Equality of Recognitions ePIC 2024 should be a major landmark in the Open Recognition landscape: Bologna Declaration for Open Recognition (2016): published in 2016 during the ePIC conference, the declaration coined the term ‘Open Recognition’ “encourag[ing] everyone—learners, educators, citizens and organisations—to actively participate in and take ownership of the emerging open recognition movement.” Explore (panel) Paris Declaration: The Equality of Informal and Formal Recognition 1: Reconnaître - Open Recognition Alliance, France; 2: Learning Agents, Canada |
3:30pm | Coffee break |
3:45pm | Places of Learning and Recognition -, Cities, Regions, Third Spaces Location: Louis Armand Chair: Claire Heber-Suffrin |
4:30pm | Sessions break |
4:45pm | D1pm3.1 Location: Louis Armand Share (presentation) Recognition as Pedagogy – Reframing Micro-credentials and Badging in Higher Education Vancouver Community College, Canada Share (presentation) From Skills to Jobs: The Micro-Credential/Badging Advantage Digital Promise, United States of America Share (presentation) Leveraging Verifiable Credentials for Streamlined Academic Mobility and Enhanced Services in European Universities 1: UAegean; 2: Universidade Lusófona; 3: UNIBO; 4: KU Leuven; 5: Freie Univerisät Berlin; 6: Paris 8 University Share (presentation) Transforming Digital Credentialization in Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Europe: The Case of Brevapp Web2Learn, Greece |
D1pm3.2 Location: George Stephenson Share (presentation) The Changing Identity Landscape: What Are The Opportunities And Challenges For The Open Badges Community? SURF, Netherlands, The Share (presentation) Eidas2 And Eudiw: Revolutionizing Cross-Border Education And Professional Qualifications With DC4EU WP5 Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain Share (presentation) Introducing LAiSER: A New Approach for Linking Skills Across Taxonomies George Washington University, United States of America Share (presentation) Using Post Quantum Cryptography for Self-Sovereign Identity Today VTT, Research Centre of Finland |
D1pm3.3 Location: Room 203 Clinic Should RPL / Micro-Credentials be Industrialised and De-Institutionalised? Cato Human Resources / RPL Assist, Australia |
6:00pm | End Day 1 |
Date: Thursday, 07/Nov/2024 | |||
8:30am | Welcome |
9:00am | D2am1.1 Location: Louis Armand Share (presentation) Unlocking Pathways to Recognition in Southern Africa: Microcredentials Across Borders 1: North-West University, South Africa; 2: The University of QLD, Australia Share (presentation) The Impact of Conscious and Unconscious Colonized Practices on the Indigenization of PLAR at TRU Thompson Rivers University, Canada Share (presentation) Micro-credentials and Indigenous Knowledge systems: Designing flexible, stackable, accessible, culturally appropriate education pathways for Indigenous Learners Curtin University, Australia Share (presentation) How To Create An Open Attitude For All – For Being Visible And Recognized In An Inclusive Society University of Vechta, Germany |
D2am1.3 Location: George Stephenson Do it! (workshop) Doing It Our Way Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group, New Zealand |
D2am1.2 Location: Room 203 Share (presentation) Le Développement Des Compétences Dans La Francophonie Canadienne Par L'utilisation Des Franco Badges RESDAC, Canada Share (presentation) Articuler Reconnaissance Formelle Et Non Formelle Labo Cibc, France Share (presentation) Le Réseau Normand Des Lieux de la Reco 1: Labo CIBC, France; 2: Reconnaitre, France Share (presentation) L'attachement Social en Formation Comme Ressource de Reconnaissance Université de Lorraine, France Share (presentation) La Pratique Réflexive Reconnue Par Les Badges Sinéliance, France |
10:15am | Walking coffee break and Poster session Discuss (poster) Advanced RPL Assessor Micro-credentials Cato Human Resources / RPL Assist, Australia Discuss (poster) From Industry Recognition to Government Mandates: A Canadian College’s Strategy to Enter the Open Learning Education practices. Langara College, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Discuss (poster) The Global Skills Challenges Requires a Global Solution POK: Proof of Knowledge, Uruguay |
10:35am | D2am3.1 Location: Louis Armand Share (presentation) De la Reconnaissance à la Légitimité : Réflexions Sur la Portée Sociale Des Open Badges Frateli Lab, France Share (presentation) Reconnaître Les Sportifs De Haut-Niveau : Sécuriser Les Parcours Par Un Formel Inversé UPHF, France Share (presentation) Badger Pour Une Reconnaissance Professionnelle Coalition ontarienne de formation des adultes, Canada Share (presentation) Les Badges Au Service De L'Insertion Socio-Professionnelle 1: Paris Saclay; 2: Initiatives77; 3: Combo77 |
D2am3.2 Location: George Stephenson Share (presentation) Lessons from Australia's National Microcredential Framework 1: Lifelong Learning Practice, Australia; 2: Edalex, Australia; 3: Curtin University, Australia Share (presentation) Furthering Conversations of Recognition, Badging, and Micro-Credentials in British Columbia Vancouver Community College, Canada Share (presentation) "Microcredentials as a Tool for Lifelong Learning: The Polish Approach and Implementation of the Odznaka+ Application" Educational Research Institute (Poland), Poland Share (presentation) Expanding the Horizon: Micro and Digital Credentialing Beyond the Anglophone World George Angus Consulting, New Zealand |
D2am3.3 Location: Room 203 Do it! (workshop) MMH - MICOO Microcredentials Mini Hackathon 1: Learningdigital, Italy; 2: AZULchain, Portugal; 3: World Alliance for Microcredentials Foundation, The Netherlands |
11:50am | Sessions break |
11:55am | Listen! Location: Louis Armand Listen (plenary) Devenons "Emetteurs de Confiance" Forum des Régions d'Europe pour la Recherche, l'Education et la Formation, France Listen (plenary) Understanding Badges As Condensation Symbols Instructure, United States of America Listen (plenary) Quality Label for Badge Recognition 1: Awero; 2: Cities of Learning Network Listen (plenary) Not Everyone Has Email: How To Make Accreditation Inclusive For "Mobile First" Users Globally Open CPD, United Kingdom Listen (plenary) Replacement < Innovation DeMolder Hill Design, United States of America |
12:10pm | Sessions break |
12:15pm | How can Public Authorities and Employers Accelerate the Deployment of Digital Credentials? Location: Louis Armand Chair: Jason Tyszko Panel participants:
Explore (panel) Skills Savings Accounts: I U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, United States of America |
1:00pm | Lunch |
2:00pm | Opening up Recognition for Employment — Digital Credentials for Career Transitions & Learning Organisations Location: Louis Armand Chair: Taylor James Hansen Panel participants:
2:45pm | Sessions break |
3:00pm | Recognition at the workplace Location: Louis Armand Share (presentation) Employer Recognition of Job Readiness in New Americans: A Case Study 1: We Are Open Co-op, United Kingdom; 2: Jobs for the Future, USA; 3: International Rescue Committee, USA; 4: Participate Inc., USA Share (presentation) Revolutionizing Training: Unlocking Competency Recognition Through Work-Based Learning for Inclusive Labour Market Attachment. Council Advancing Work-Based Learning, Canada Share (presentation) Bridging the Gap: Integrating Industry Credentials within the Undergraduate Experience to Improve Workforce Readiness University of Texas System, United States of America Share (presentation) Comment Les Entreprises Valorisent Les Compétences Via Les Badges Numériques ? Skilldy by Procertif, France |
D2pm2.3 Location: George Stephenson Clinic Shaping the Future of Digital Badging: Support next steps for the UK Digital Badging Commission 1: RSA, United Kingdom; 2: Ufi, United Kingdon |
D2pm2.2 Location: Room 203 Share (presentation) Facing the Future: Insights from a Decade of Open Badge Development Open Badge Factory, Finland Share (presentation) Institutional Readiness for Micro-credentials Implementation in Higher Education University of Otago, New Zealand Share (presentation) Global Advances in the alignment of Competency-Based Certification and Open Skills in National Systems: Open Learning and Recognition Practices in Saudi Arabia, Australia, EU, and the USA Blocksure, Australia Share (presentation) Unlocking the Potential of Recognition through Partnerships Munster Technological University (MTU), Ireland |
4:15pm | Coffee break |
4:30pm | D2pm3.1 Location: Louis Armand Share (presentation) Advancing Open Education Through Open Recognition and Certification Université de Lille, France Share (presentation) Dialogue Réflexif Entre IA et Apprenant : Identifier Ses Compétences CRI, France Share (presentation) "How Can we Unleash the Potential of Technology for Recognition with AI” 1: Sage Education Marketing, United States of America; 2: CTurtle, Vietnam |
D2pm3.3 Location: George Stephenson Clinic What Are The Actual Individual Returns Of The Recognition Of Prior Learning (RPL) And Skills Recognition And Does Digitisation Put This at Risk? 1: Charles Darwin University, Darwin Australia; 2: Cnam-Inetop, French Higher Education and Research Institute, Paris; 3: DIE, German Institute for Adult Learning, Bonn |
D2pm3.2 Location: Room 203 Clinic OBF User Group Meeting Open Badge Factory, Finland |
5:45pm | End day 2 |
7:30pm - 10:00pm |
Social Dinner Location: Train Bleu - restaurant |
Date: Friday, 08/Nov/2024 | |||
8:30am | Welcome |
9:30am | D3am1.1 Location: Louis Armand Share (presentation) Open Badges as the "Basic Unit" for Continuing and Professional Education Certificates on a Large Scale BCdiploma, France Share (presentation) LinkedClaims Intro & Demonstration U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, United States of America Share (presentation) The Influence of Cultural Context on Global Open Recognition Standards in Education Innovate for Equity Share (presentation) Trauma-Centred RPL Practises and Programming RUN Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China) |
Opening up Recognition for Employment — Digital Credentials for Career Transitions & Learning Organisations Location: George Stephenson This session is the continuation of the conversation started during Thursday's panel discussions. Share (presentation) Transforming Professional Learning in Social Services through Open Badges Scottish Social Services Council, United Kingdom Share (presentation) Recognition Practices in South Africa: Emphasising Prior Learning and Exploring Small Units of Learning South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), South Africa Share (presentation) Informal Recognition of Employee Skills Using Scotland’s National Qualifications Framework SCQF Partnership, Scotland |
D3am1.3 Location: Room 203 Do it! (workshop) A Practical Guide To AI Tools To Fast-track RPL Processes eLearning Educational Solutions Pty Ltd, Australia Share (presentation) Harnessing The Power Of AI Tools To Fast-track RPL Processes eLearning Educational Solutions Pty Ltd, Australia |
10:45am | Coffee break |
11:00am | D3am2.1 Location: Louis Armand Share (presentation) Intersection Of Programme Design and Lifelong Learning Journeys: Models, Recognition And Benefits In Online Education University of Leeds, United Kingdom Share (presentation) ORCID: Trust Markers for Scholarly Communications. ORCID, United Kingdom Share (presentation) Integrating Open Learning and Technology for Effective Recognition within Human Resources and skills assessments Skills Recognition International, Australia Share (presentation) Valoriser Les Compétences des Etudiants Entrepreneurs Prosoon, France |
D3am2.2 Location: George Stephenson Share (presentation) Civics Credentialing - Recognition for Democracy in the United States 1: Learning Agents, Canada; 2: Team Democracy, USA Share (presentation) The Evolution of Open Learning: Preserving the Original Ideology and Integrity of Open Learning and Expanding Recognition Beyond Formal Assessment 1: Sage Education Marketing, United States of America; 2: FourthRev; 3: Dublin City University Share (presentation) Career Tracking: Empowering Lifelong Learning And RPL eLearning Educational Solutions Pty Ltd, Australia |
d3am2.3 Location: Room 203 Share (presentation) Conundrums in Recognition SUNY Empire State University, United States of America Do it! (workshop) Unleash Recognition, Empower Learning: Your Journey to the Badge Quality Label Cities of Learning Network |
12:15pm | World Café Location: Louis Armand How does it work:
List of Themes for the ePIC 2024 World Café (to be revised by the participants):
1:00pm | Lunch |
2:00pm | Open Round Table: fishbowl Location: Louis Armand |
2:45pm | Grand Témoin Location: Louis Armand |
3:15pm | Signature of the Paris Declaration on the Equality of Recognition Practices Location: Louis Armand |
4:00pm | End Day 3 |