Conference Agenda
Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).
Session Overview |
Date: Monday, 16/September/2024 | ||||||
9:00am - 12:00pm |
Registration Location: Foyer |
12:00pm - 1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00pm - 2:00pm |
Opening Ceremony Location: H01 Chair: Wolfgang Schröder, RWTH Aachen University |
2:00pm - 3:00pm |
PS00: EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Prize 2024: Continuum or individual models for suspensions of swimming micro-organisms? Timothy J. Pedley, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England Location: H01 Chair: GertJan van Heijst, Eindhoven University of Technology |
3:00pm - 3:30pm |
Coffee Break |
3:30pm - 6:00pm |
A01_01: Drops and Bubbles Location: H01 Chair: Detlef Lohse, University of Twente |
A02_01: Instability and Transition Location: H02 Chair: Philipp Schlatter, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg |
A04_01: Granular Flows, Particle-Laden Flows, Suspensions Location: H06 Chair: Francois Gallaire, EPFL |
A05_01: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Methods, Computational Rheology, Large-Eddy Simulation and Related Techniques, Quantum Computing for Fluids Location: H04 Chair: Wolfgang Schröder, RWTH Aachen University |
A06_01: Fluid-Structure Interaction Location: H03 Chair: Eric Lauga, University of Cambridge |
A08_01: Wall-Bounded Flows: Experiment, Simulations, Theory Location: H09 Chair: Tobias M. Schneider, EPFL-STI-IGM-ECPS |
A09_01: Biological and Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Location: H05 Chair: Michael Klaas, RWTH Aachen University |
A16_01: Non-Newtonian Flows/Turbulence Location: S04 Chair: Vincent E. Terrapon, University of Liege |
A17_01: Intermittency and Scaling Location: H08 Chair: Gerrit Elsinga, Delft University of Technology |
A26_01: Artificial Intelligence in Turbulence Location: H07 Chair: Maurizio Quadrio, Politecnico di Milano |
A29_01: Microscale and Nanoscale Flows Location: S03 Chair: Panagiota Angeli, University College London |
A30_01: Separated Flows Location: S05 Chair: Sergio Hoyas, Universitat Politècnica de València |
A33_01: Acoustics, Acoustics of Turbulent Flows Location: S01 Chair: Matthias Meinke, RWTH Aachen University |
A34_01: Atomization and Sprays Location: S02 Chair: Mickaël Bourgoin, CNRS, ENS de Lyon |
MS03_01: Minisymposium - Stratified Turbulence Location: S06 Chair: Adrien Lefauve, University of Cambridge |
Date: Tuesday, 17/September/2024 | ||||||
8:30am - 9:30am |
PS01: Chiral transport in viscous flows: from micro-helices to bacteria. Anke Lindner, ESPCI and Université Paris Cité, Paris, France Location: H01 Chair: Detlef Lohse, University of Twente |
9:30am - 10:00am |
Coffee Break |
10:00am - 12:00pm |
A01_02: Drops and Bubbles Location: H01 Chair: Kerstin Avila, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg |
A02_02: Instability and Transition Location: H02 Chair: Jörn Lothar Sesterhenn, Universität Bayreuth |
A03_01: Convection and Buoyancy-Driven Flows Location: H04 Chair: Christoph Bruecker, City, University of London |
A04_02: Granular Flows, Particle-Laden Flows, Suspensions Location: H06 Chair: Gregory Lecrivain, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
A06_02: Fluid-Structure Interaction Location: H03 Chair: Manuel Garcia-Villalba, TU Wien |
A10_01: Multiphase Flows Location: H07 Chair: Aleksandr Bashkatov, University of Twente |
A11_01: Control of Turbulent Flows, Flow Control Location: H09 Chair: Pourya Forooghi, Aarhus University |
A15_01: Surface Tension Effects and Interfacial Fluid Dynamics Location: S03 Chair: Christian Diddens, University of Twente |
A18_01: Lagrangian Aspects of Turbulence, Multiphase Turbulence Location: H08 Chair: Marco Edoardo Rosti, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology |
A20_01: Waves Location: H10 Chair: Lev Shemer, Tel-Aviv University |
A21_01: Transport and Mixing Location: S02 Chair: Sergio Pirozzoli, Sapienza University of Rome |
A22_01: Rotating Fluids, Stokes Flow, Superfluids Turbulence Location: H11 Chair: Michael LE BARS, CNRS |
A23_01: Experimental Techniques Location: S01 Chair: Sven Scharnowski, University of the Bundeswehr Munich |
MS01_01: Minisymposium - Data Science and AI in Fluid Mechanics Location: H05 Chair: Ricardo Vinuesa, KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
MS03_02: Minisymposium - Stratified Turbulence Location: S06 Chair: Paul Linden, University of Cambridge |
12:00pm - 1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00pm - 2:00pm |
PS02: A multiphase flow vision of sediment transport : what can we learn from fluid mechanics? Julien Chauchat, Université Grenoble, Grenoble, France Location: H01 Chair: Jacques Magnaudet, CNRS |
2:00pm - 2:30pm |
Coffee Break |
2:30pm - 4:30pm |
A01_03: Drops and Bubbles Location: H01 Chair: Matthias Meinke, RWTH Aachen University |
A02_03: Instability and Transition Location: H02 Chair: Angela Busse, University of Glasgow |
A03_02: Convection and Buoyancy-Driven Flows Location: H04 Chair: Christoph Bruecker, City, University of London |
A04_03: Granular Flows, Particle-Laden Flows, Suspensions Location: H06 Chair: Cristian Marchioli, University of Udine |
A07_01: Aerodynamics, Boundary Layers Location: H03 Chair: Markus Rütten, German Aerospace Center |
A10_02: Multiphase Flows Location: H07 Chair: Shervin Bagheri, KTH |
A11_02: Control of Turbulent Flows, Flow Control Location: H09 Chair: Bettina Frohnapfel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
A12_01: Geophysical and Astrophysical Turbulence, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Location: S04 Chair: Julia Kowalski, RWTH Aachen University |
A13_01: Jets and Free Shear Flows Location: S06 Chair: Fernando Pinho, Universidade do Porto |
A14_01: Vortex Dynamics and Structure Formation Location: H11 Chair: Anne-Marie Schreyer, RWTH Aachen University |
A15_02: Surface Tension Effects and Interfacial Fluid Dynamics Location: S03 Chair: Gareth McKinley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
A18_02: Lagrangian Aspects of Turbulence, Multiphase Turbulence Location: H08 Chair: Alfredo Soldati, TU Wien |
A20_02: Waves Location: H10 Chair: Frédéric Dias, University College Dublin |
A21_02: Transport and Mixing Location: S02 Chair: Sergio Pirozzoli, Sapienza University of Rome |
MS01_02: Minisymposium - Data Science and AI in Fluid Mechanics Location: H05 Chair: Ricardo Vinuesa, KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
4:30pm - 5:00pm |
Coffee Break |
5:00pm - 6:00pm |
A01_04: Drops and Bubbles Location: H01 Chair: Kerstin Avila, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg |
A02_04: Instability and Transition Location: H02 Chair: Angela Busse, University of Glasgow |
A03_03: Convection and Buoyancy-Driven Flows Location: H04 Chair: Christoph Bruecker, City, University of London |
A04_04: Granular Flows, Particle-Laden Flows, Suspensions Location: H06 Chair: Cristian Marchioli, University of Udine |
A07_02: Aerodynamics, Boundary Layers Location: H03 Chair: Markus Rütten, German Aerospace Center |
A10_03: Multiphase Flows Location: H07 Chair: Shervin Bagheri, KTH |
A11_03: Control of Turbulent Flows, Flow Control Location: H09 Chair: Bettina Frohnapfel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
A12_02: Geophysical and Astrophysical Turbulence, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Location: S04 Chair: Julia Kowalski, RWTH Aachen University |
A13_02: Jets and Free Shear Flows Location: S06 Chair: Fernando Pinho, Universidade do Porto |
A14_02: Vortex Dynamics and Structure Formation Location: H11 Chair: Jörg Schumacher, TU Ilmenau |
A15_03: Surface Tension Effects and Interfacial Fluid Dynamics Location: S03 Chair: Gareth McKinley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
A18_03: Lagrangian Aspects of Turbulence, Multiphase Turbulence Location: H08 Chair: Alfredo Soldati, TU Wien |
A20_03: Waves Location: H10 Chair: Frédéric Dias, University College Dublin |
A21_03: Transport and Mixing Location: S02 Chair: Sergio Pirozzoli, Sapienza University of Rome |
MS01_03: Minisymposium - Data Science and AI in Fluid Mechanics Location: H05 Chair: Ricardo Vinuesa, KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
7:30pm - 11:30pm |
Conference Dinner Location: DAS LIEBIG |
Date: Wednesday, 18/September/2024 | ||||||
8:30am - 9:30am |
PS03: Self-regulating non-equilibrium: turbulence dissipation and transfers. J. Christos Vassilicos, CNRS, Lille Mechanics of Fluids Laboratory, Lille, France Location: H01 Chair: Roberto Verzicco, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica |
9:30am - 10:00am |
Coffee Break |
10:00am - 12:00pm |
A01_05: Drops and Bubbles Location: H01 Chair: Benoit Scheid, Université Libre de Bruxelles |
A02_05: Instability and Transition Location: H02 Chair: Christoph Egbers, BTU Cottbus-Senftenebrg |
A03_04: Convection and Buoyancy-Driven Flows Location: H04 Chair: Rudie Kunnen, Eindhoven University of Technology |
A07_03: Aerodynamics, Boundary Layers Location: H03 Chair: Deepak Prem Ramaswamy, RWTH Aachen University |
A09_02: Biological and Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Location: H05 Chair: Wilfried Coenen, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
A14_03: Vortex Dynamics and Structure Formation Location: H11 Chair: Anne-Marie Schreyer, RWTH Aachen University |
A15_04: Surface Tension Effects and Interfacial Fluid Dynamics Location: H09 Chair: Katrin Bauer, TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
A16_02: Non-Newtonian Flows/Turbulence Location: S04 Chair: Wolfgang Schröder, RWTH Aachen University |
A17_02: Intermittency and Scaling Location: S01 Chair: Miguel David Bustamante, University College Dublin |
A24_01: Atmospheric Flows/Turbulence Location: S03 Chair: Joachim Peinke, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg |
A25_01: Free Surface Flows Location: S02 Chair: Filippo Coletti, ETH Zurich |
A27_01: Electrokinetic Flows, Magnetohydrodynamics, MHD Turbulence Location: S05 Chair: Marten Klein, BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg |
A28_01: Porous Media Flows Location: S06 Chair: Christian Lagemann, University of Washington |
MS01_04: Minisymposium - Data Science and AI in Fluid Mechanics Location: H06 Chair: Michele Buzzicotti, University of Rome Tor Vergata and INFN |
MS04_01: Minisymposium - Elastic and Invertio-Elastic Turbulence Location: H10 Chair: Alexander Morozov, University of Edinburgh |
12:00pm - 1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00pm - 2:00pm |
PS04: Sound, flames and aerodynamics for a decarbonised future. Aimee S. Morgans, Imperial College London, London, England Location: H01 Chair: Wolfgang Schröder, RWTH Aachen University |
2:00pm - 2:30pm |
Coffee Break |
2:30pm - 4:30pm |
A01_06: Drops and Bubbles Location: H01 Chair: Dominik Krug, University of Twente |
A02_06: Instability and Transition Location: H02 Chair: Jean-Christophe ROBINET, Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology |
A03_05: Convection and Buoyancy-Driven Flows Location: H04 Chair: Juan Pedro Mellado, University of Hamburg |
A05_02: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Methods, Computational Rheology, Large-Eddy Simulation and Related Techniques, Quantum Computing for Fluids Location: H08 Chair: Mathis Bode, Forschungszentrum Jülich |
A06_03: Fluid-Structure Interaction Location: H07 Chair: Matthias Heil, University of Manchester |
A07_04: Aerodynamics, Boundary Layers Location: H03 Chair: Deepak Prem Ramaswamy, RWTH Aachen University |
A08_02: Wall-Bounded Flows: Experiment, Simulations, Theory Location: H09 Chair: Julio Soria, Monash University |
A09_03: Biological and Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Location: H05 Chair: Lars Krenkel, Technical University of Applied Sciences (OTH) Regensburg |
A12_03: Geophysical and Astrophysical Turbulence, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Location: S04 Chair: Uwe Harlander, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg |
A13_03: Jets and Free Shear Flows Location: S06 Chair: Esther Lagemann, University of Washington |
A14_04: Vortex Dynamics and Structure Formation Location: H11 Chair: Jörg Schumacher, TU Ilmenau |
A17_03: Intermittency and Scaling Location: S01 Chair: Alain Pumir, CNRS and Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon |
A31_01: Combustion and Reacting Flows, Reacting and Compressible Turbulence Location: S02 Chair: Aimee Morgans, Imperial College London |
MS01_05: Minisymposium - Data Science and AI in Fluid Mechanics Location: H06 Chair: Michele Buzzicotti, University of Rome Tor Vergata and INFN |
MS04_02: Minisymposium - Elastic and Invertio-Elastic Turbulence Location: H10 Chair: Alexander Morozov, University of Edinburgh |
4:30pm - 5:00pm |
Coffee Break |
5:00pm - 6:00pm |
A01_07.1: Drops and Bubbles Location: H01 Chair: Dominik Krug, University of Twente |
A01_07.2: Drops and Bubbles Location: H02 Chair: Jean-Christophe ROBINET, Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology |
A03_06: Convection and Buoyancy-Driven Flows Location: H04 Chair: Juan Pedro Mellado, University of Hamburg |
A05_03: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Methods, Computational Rheology, Large-Eddy Simulation and Related Techniques, Quantum Computing for Fluids Location: H08 Chair: Mathis Bode, Forschungszentrum Jülich |
A06_04: Fluid-Structure Interaction Location: H07 Chair: Matthias Heil, University of Manchester |
A08_03: Wall-Bounded Flows: Experiment, Simulations, Theory Location: H09 Chair: Julio Soria, Monash University |
A09_04: Biological and Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Location: H05 Chair: Lars Krenkel, Technical University of Applied Sciences (OTH) Regensburg |
A12_04: Geophysical and Astrophysical Turbulence, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Location: S04 Chair: Uwe Harlander, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg |
A18_04: Lagrangian Aspects of Turbulence, Multiphase Turbulence Location: S01 Chair: Alain Pumir, CNRS and Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon |
A19_01: Compressible Flows Location: H03 Chair: Deepak Prem Ramaswamy, RWTH Aachen University |
A29_02: Microscale and Nanoscale Flows Location: S06 Chair: Esther Lagemann, University of Washington |
A31_02: Combustion and Reacting Flows, Reacting and Compressible Turbulence Location: S02 Chair: Aimee Morgans, Imperial College London |
MS01_06: Minisymposium - Data Science and AI in Fluid Mechanics Location: H06 Chair: Michele Buzzicotti, University of Rome Tor Vergata and INFN |
Date: Thursday, 19/September/2024 | ||||||
8:30am - 9:30am |
PS05: Viscoelastic and inertioelastic instabilities of complex fluids. Gareth McKinley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA Location: H01 Chair: Colm-cille Patrick Caulfield, University of Cambridge |
9:30am - 10:00am |
Coffee Break |
10:00am - 12:00pm |
A01_08: Drops and Bubbles Location: H01 Chair: Catherine Colin, Université de Toulouse |
A02_07: Instability and Transition Location: H02 Chair: Laurette S Tuckerman, CNRS-ESPCI-Sorbonne |
A03_07: Convection and Buoyancy-Driven Flows Location: H04 Chair: Francesco Viola, Gran Sasso Science Institute |
A04_05: Granular Flows, Particle-Laden Flows, Suspensions Location: H06 Chair: Bernhard Vowinckel, TU Dresden |
A05_04: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Methods, Computational Rheology, Large-Eddy Simulation and Related Techniques, Quantum Computing for Fluids Location: H08 Chair: Holger Foysi, Universität Siegen |
A06_05: Fluid-Structure Interaction Location: H05 Chair: Yoël Forterre, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS |
A07_05: Aerodynamics, Boundary Layers Location: H03 Chair: Christopher Schauerte, Institute of Aerodynamics and Chair of Fluid Mechanics |
A08_04: Wall-Bounded Flows: Experiment, Simulations, Theory Location: H11 Chair: Roberto Verzicco, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica |
A11_04: Control of Turbulent Flows, Flow Control Location: H09 Chair: Artur Tyliszczak, Czestochowa University of Technology |
A19_02: Compressible Flows Location: S02 Chair: Karl Alexander Heufer, RWTH Aachen University |
A26_02: Artificial Intelligence in Turbulence Location: H07 Chair: Andrea Schillaci, RWTH Aachen University |
A27_02: Electrokinetic Flows, Magnetohydrodynamics, MHD Turbulence Location: S05 Chair: Patrick Jenny, ETH Zürich |
A28_02: Porous Media Flows Location: S06 Chair: Stefanie Rauchenzauner, Technical University of Munich |
MS02_01: Minisymposium - Instabilities in Free surface Flows Location: H10 Chair: John Tsamopoulos, University of Patras |
12:00pm - 1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00pm - 2:00pm |
PS06: Shaping up to explore and exploit unsteady fluid-structure interactions. Karen Mulleners, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland Location: H01 Chair: Matthias Heil, University of Manchester |
2:00pm - 2:30pm |
Coffee Break |
2:30pm - 4:30pm |
A01_09: Drops and Bubbles Location: H01 Chair: Rohith Jayaram, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
A02_08: Instability and Transition Location: H02 Chair: Anke Lindner, PMMH-ESPCI |
A03_08: Convection and Buoyancy-Driven Flows Location: H04 Chair: Johannes Bosbach, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) |
A04_06: Granular Flows, Particle-Laden Flows, Suspensions Location: H06 Chair: Julien CHAUCHAT, Univ. Grenoble Alpes |
A05_05: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Methods, Computational Rheology, Large-Eddy Simulation and Related Techniques, Quantum Computing for Fluids Location: H08 Chair: Andrea Beck, University of Stuttgart |
A07_06: Aerodynamics, Boundary Layers Location: H03 Chair: Eduardo Duran, Universidad de Malaga |
A08_05: Wall-Bounded Flows: Experiment, Simulations, Theory Location: H11 Chair: Lukasz Klotz, Warsaw University of Technology |
A09_05: Biological and Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Location: H05 Chair: Guido Boffetta, University of Torino |
A10_04: Multiphase Flows Location: H07 Chair: Giuseppe Antonio Rosi, TU Braunschweig |
A11_05: Control of Turbulent Flows, Flow Control Location: H09 Chair: Heng-Dong Xi, Northwestern Polytechnical University |
A12_05: Geophysical and Astrophysical Turbulence, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Location: S04 Chair: Jacques Magnaudet, CNRS |
A22_02: Rotating Fluids, Stokes Flow, Superfluids Turbulence Location: S03 Chair: Dwight Barkley, University of Warwick |
A23_02: Experimental Techniques Location: S02 Chair: Jochen Kriegseis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
A32_01: Wind and Water Power, Industrial Applications Location: S01 Chair: Thomas Hösgen |
MS02_02: Minisymposium - Instabilities in Free surface Flows Location: H10 Chair: Demetrios T. Papageorgiou, Imperial College London |
4:30pm - 5:00pm |
Coffee Break |
5:00pm - 6:00pm |
A01_10.1: Drops and Bubbles Location: H01 Chair: Rohith Jayaram, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
A01_10.2: Drops and Bubbles Location: H02 Chair: Anke Lindner, PMMH-ESPCI |
A03_09: Convection and Buoyancy-Driven Flows Location: H04 Chair: Johannes Bosbach, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) |
A04_07: Granular Flows, Particle-Laden Flows, Suspensions Location: H06 Chair: Julien CHAUCHAT, Univ. Grenoble Alpes |
A05_06: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Methods, Computational Rheology, Large-Eddy Simulation and Related Techniques, Quantum Computing for Fluids Location: H08 Chair: Andrea Beck, University of Stuttgart |
A07_07: Aerodynamics, Boundary Layers Location: H03 Chair: Eduardo Duran, Universidad de Malaga |
A08_06: Wall-Bounded Flows: Experiment, Simulations, Theory Location: H11 Chair: Elena Marensi, University of Sheffield |
A09_06: Biological and Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Location: H05 Chair: Michael Klaas, RWTH Aachen University |
A10_05: Multiphase Flows Location: H07 Chair: Giuseppe Antonio Rosi, TU Braunschweig |
A11_06: Control of Turbulent Flows, Flow Control Location: H09 Chair: Heng-Dong Xi, Northwestern Polytechnical University |
A12_06: Geophysical and Astrophysical Turbulence, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Location: S04 Chair: Jacques Magnaudet, CNRS |
A22_03: Rotating Fluids, Stokes Flow, Superfluids Turbulence Location: S03 Chair: Dwight Barkley, University of Warwick |
A23_03: Experimental Techniques Location: S02 Chair: Jochen Kriegseis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
A32_02: Wind and Water Power, Industrial Applications Location: S01 Chair: Thomas Hösgen |
Date: Friday, 20/September/2024 | ||||||
8:30am - 11:00am |
A01_11: Drops and Bubbles Location: H01 Chair: Zhigang Zuo, Tsinghua University |
A02_09: Instability and Transition Location: H02 Chair: Lutz Lesshafft, CNRS |
A04_08: Granular Flows, Particle-Laden Flows, Suspensions Location: H06 Chair: Gunther Brenner, Clausthal University of Technology |
A05_07: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Methods, Computational Rheology, Large-Eddy Simulation and Related Techniques, Quantum Computing for Fluids Location: H08 Chair: Matthias Meinke, RWTH Aachen University |
A06_06: Fluid-Structure Interaction Location: H03 Chair: Karen Mulleners, EPFL |
A10_06: Multiphase Flows Location: H07 Chair: Wolfgang Schröder, RWTH Aachen University |
A13_04: Jets and Free Shear Flows Location: S06 Chair: Jörn Lothar Sesterhenn, Universität Bayreuth |
A16_03: Non-Newtonian Flows/Turbulence Location: S04 Chair: Colm-cille Patrick Caulfield, University of Cambridge |
A19_03: Compressible Flows Location: S02 Chair: Michael Klaas, RWTH Aachen University |
A24_02: Atmospheric Flows/Turbulence Location: S03 Chair: Gholamhossein Bagheri, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Selforganization |
A25_02: Free Surface Flows Location: S01 Chair: Andreas Wierschem, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) |
A35_01: Miscellaneous Flow Problems Location: H11 Chair: Stefan Becker, University Erlangen-Nürnberg |
11:00am - 11:30am |
Coffee Break |
11:30am - 12:30pm |
Closing Ceremony Location: H01 Chair: Jacques Magnaudet, CNRS |
12:30pm - 2:00pm |
Lunch |
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