Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Thursday, 13/June/2024:
2:30pm - 4:00pm

Session Chair: Benno Spieker
Location: EQ-211

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“Music & Subject Integration: six ways to transform the curriculum”

Sterken, Johan1; Knols, Vivian2; Spieker, Benno3

1NHL Stenden University, Netherlands, The; 2Maastricht Conservatory, Netherlands, The; 3ArteZ Conservatory, Netherlands, The

Music and subject integration, the theme of this workshop, is important for music educators because it can significantly transform the way they teach. Besides the debate about whether you are in favour of the subject-oriented approach or the opposite[1], main questions remain: What exactly is meant by integration? And how can we put this into practice in a responsible way?

From a collaboration of all teacher academies and conservatories in the Netherlands, an expert team was commissioned to come up with solutions to promote the integration of music with other school subjects. This has resulted in six video clips that explain a theoretical framework through practical examples. Another outcome was the training of (future) teachers, both generalists and music specialists, in the form of workshops about subject integration. The workshop we would like to present at EAS is based upon this work.

The aim of our workshop would be to collaboratively design lessons or activities (projects) in which music is integrated with another school subject. First we will introduce six forms of subject integration, differing in complexity[2]. Secondly, the participants will design a lesson (or educational activities), thereby focusing on one of the six forms of subject integration.

The structure of the workshop will follow the same methodology as being used in one of the videos. The outcome for the participants is a better understanding of subject integration in general and especially when integrating music with another school subject. Also, very practically, we hope to see designs that deserve to be shared with colleagues too!

[1] De Baets & De Vugt (2016). Muziekpedagogiek in beweging: verdieping of verbreding?

[2] Our work is based upon a theoretical framework described by Gresnigt (2018): Integrated curricula: an approach to strengthen science & technology in primary education. PhD Thesis Eindhoven University of Technology

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