Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Keynote 01: Open Plenary: Disruptions in the Global Environment: New Challenges and Opportunities
Friday, 05/Apr/2024:
9:15am - 10:15am

Session Chair: Prof Gary Knight, Willamette University, United States of America;
Location: Great Hall

Main Building,Ground Floor

Professor Gary Knight will discuss new disruptive trends in the global environment and their impact on international business (IB). Key trends include shifting demographics and international migration, transformation of the global economic environment, revolutionary technological advances, and the deteriorating natural environment and sustainability. The trends are disruptive in various ways, but they also provide countless opportunities for IB practice and research. Professor Knight will examine these new developments and the threats and opportunities that they pose. He will identify key areas for scholarly research. He will also highlight steps that firms and other organizations can take in order to survive and thrive under emergent disruptions in the global environments.

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