Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Keynote 02: Governance of the MNE and Policy Analysis
Saturday, 06/Apr/2024:
9:00am - 10:00am

Session Chair: Prof Peter Buckley, University of Manchester, United Kingdom;
Location: Great Hall

Main Building,Ground Floor

Multinationals face “The Rise of the National” - a return to policies advocated by Friedrich List (1841) (Tariffs represent investment in future Technology. National Systems of Innovation) and the introduction of Industrial Policies (including “Green” policies, and in the USA the Chips Act, Pure List, Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)) . In response, multinationals are devising resilience strategies in the era of “slowbalisation”. This presentation examines these strategies using a time profile to cover - Immediate Imperatives Short- Term Strategies Long –Term Strategies Long Long-Term Strategies (N.B. Globalization not in reverse – slower growth in some areas. In others e.g., data transfers, globalization is accelerating.) MNE strategies must respond to policy changes and other challenges. Success will be dependent on flexibility and the capacity to innovate. Perhaps these characteristics are the ultimate long run “firm specific advantages.”

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