Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Teaching Café 2: Formative Feedback in a Multicultural Classroom
Saturday, 06/Apr/2024:
8:00am - 9:00am

Session Chair: Dr Stefan Zagelmeyer, University of Manchester, United Kingdom;
Location: MB411

Main Building, 4th floor Take either the A or C lift

Increasing international student mobility has led to the prevalence of multicultural classrooms in business and management education. In a multicultural classroom, where students come from different cultural backgrounds and may have different expectations, preferences and experiences, formative feedback can pose some challenges. Among other things, this concerns the content, the channels and the communication of feedback, and student responses to and engagement with feedback. In this Teaching Café, we will share experiences and discuss how we as educators can address the challenges of providing formative feedback in a multicultural classroom. It will be organized around two brief interventions by the facilitators, which will (i) introduce the recommendations of the current state of pedagogical research and (ii) summarise the first findings of the empirical research on the topic. The central part of the Teaching Café will discuss ideas and practical solutions to overcome the challenges associated with formative feedback in a multicultural classroom.

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